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Five years ago:

"You can't leave! I'm your father!" He shouted as I throw my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm not staying in this shit hole of a house anymore" I snapped, before walking out of the house.

I walked out onto the street, letting the cold weather breeze push past me. I watched the deserted brick houses and broken street lamps. I was young, ten years of age, to be exact. But I was also mature for my age, and I knew every page in the book.

Obviously I did, as I did have Severus Snape as a father.

I walked for about fifteen minutes before I came across a small bus stop and decided to crash there for the night and figure out what to do tomorrow. I placed my backpack on the ground and got as comfortable as possible on the seat. I knew dam well I wouldn't be able to sleep, especially not in the cold weather.

I opened my eyes to the sound of a flying car, and knew exactly who it was. I opened my eyes and bursted up from my chair. I looked around in the dark skye before I saw the blue car flying my way. I had jumped in excitement and picked up my backpack. The car flew to the ground and came to a noisy stop. I looked in the driver and passenger seat and was delighted to see Fred and George.

"OMG! guys." I was more than shocked to see them.

"Well comeone" Fred motioned his hand for me to hop in.
"Ye we don't have all day" followed George.

I hopped in the back seat, without hesitation. I threw my backpack on the floor of the car before turning to see Ron grinning at me.

"Hey Ron!" I cheered.

"Eliza! Hey!" He smiled.

"Wait...how did you guys know I needed help?" I questioned suspiciously.

As Fred started the engine, and lifted us off the groung, George turned back to look at me. He winked at me before turning back around. I rolled my eyes at the trouble makers.

They were a year olded than me, which meant they had just started hogwarts that year. I knew them since they started at Hogwarts, considering my father would bring me to work sometimes. Their mother was like a second mother to me, considering mine ditched the minute I was born.

I was the same age as Ron, and starting Hogwarts with him next year. I lay down, exhausted from the walking and the fight with my father. At the time, all I wanted to do was fall asleep. And that's exactly what I did.

Four years ago:

I was brought out of my daydream when someone taped me on the shoulder. I turned around and smiled at Molly and Ginny.

"You ok darlin' ?" She questioned, her voice full of concern.

"Oh hey, sorry" I laughed "just day dreaming."

Before she can say anything else, Ron came rushing over.

"Look what I got!" He showed off his jelly beans, proudly.

Molly shaked her head at him in disappointment while me and Ginny giggled in the backround.

"Ron!" His face instantly droped when he heard her tone. "You should not be spending your money on stupid sweets. I wont give you any more money if you are going to do that."

You could hear him gulp from a mile away.

"Yes ma'am"

"Mommm!" Ginny cried as we begin to make our way onto the train. "Why can't I go?"

His Obsession- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now