Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lola's point of view.

I broke down as we drove away from the house, my hands shaking against the wheel as they gripped harder and harder. Evelyn's large sapphire eyes gazed at me in sorrow as she sat in silence, kicking her feet against the seat.

Rain began to pour as we neared Zoe's house, the windscreen wipers leaving marks on the window as we moved along the cluttered road. Neighbouring cars and houses blurred as time slowed down, my heart thumping as my chest heaved.

We eventually pulled up outside our destination, and I rushed to unbuckle Evelyn and pick Lucy out of her seat. The door was already open, either of the two knowing that we wouldn't want to be waiting in such horrible weather.

"Lola?" Zoe asked, concerned, as she took both children from my arms. My mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, fresh tears melting on my tongue as they seeped past my lips.

"Take a seat, I'll be there in a minute." I nodded, watching as she disappeared upstairs with the girls in hand. I pushed the lounge door open, falling onto the sofa. After what seemed like hours - but was probably a couple of minutes - Zoe returned with a bar of Cadbury's and box of Lindors.

"I swear you're an angel." I sighed as she sat beside me, wrapping a blanket around us both. I unwrapped one of the chocolates, chucking the smooth ball of deliciousness in my mouth and savouring the taste.

"What's up?" She asked, after laughing at my previous statement. I shook my head, biting my lip and wondering how on earth to explain what had just occurred.

Joe's point of view.

"I'm so stupid, Cas." I groaned, resting my head in my hands and ignoring the growing puppy clinging onto me.

"Yeah, you kind of are." He smirked, pushing my shoulder playfully. I glared at him - it was pointless trying to explain the seriousness of this situation to someone like Casper.

"Listen, every couple argues-"

"Not like this, they don't." I grumbled, suddenly feeling a strong urge to cuddle Jesse. I pulled her into my lap and began nuzzling into her warm fur as my friend continued.

"Anyway, every couple argues, me and Court have- I mean, you've had-"

"You and Courtney've had what?" I asked, my head shooting up in astonishment.

"Nothing," he stuttered. "I meant you've had arguments, and-"

"You and Courtney are together? You're Adam?"

He hushed me in desperation. "Someone might hear you!" I clamped my hands over Jesse's floppy ears.

"Jesse, you never heard anything, okay?" Her tail shook in excitement, her tongue reaching out and licking my hands, covering them in slobber.

"Shut up." He moaned, slapping me again as I laughed. "This is why I never told you." Our laughs quickly died down, and I smiled solemnly. "Listen, you had a point, Joe. But you shouldn't have pushed it on her like that." I nodded, threading my fingers through the dog's fur once again.

"Why don't you adopt?"

"I don't know, Lola's got this thing - she wants to be pregnant, you know? It's weird, but-"

"It's not weird, Joe. It's perfectly understandable." He smiled.

"I mean, we've talked about it, it's a possibility I guess."

Caspar looked at his watch, shooting up from the sofa. "Listen, I've gotta go, Court's-"

"Totally, and thanks mate." I shut the door behind him, slamming my back against the wall and holding my head in my hands.



Long time no see😉

B x

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