young!southside headcannons

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- thorn would take the boys with him whenever he had to go somewhere overnight. bought a truck just for that reason

- cassie and dylan were in the same classes every year they were in school because of their last name

- lily and declan weren't ^ but thorn would call the school and change it

- toni started serving non alcoholic drinks at the wyrm when the kids came around

- thorn went to all the father's day things for the kids

- the first year he didn't, lily got made fun of by a few kids and told him about it

- a lot of sharing clothes, thorn never had the time nor money to just go out and get them individual things. he always felt bad about it, but unless they were significantly a different size, they'd share

- which resulted in quite the awkward conversation between toni and thorn when lily hit 13

- toni and kerley had to handle that conversation ^

- lily and declan shared a room until that point ^^

- the twilight drive in owner would catch them going through the fence at least once a week

- thorn, rather than telling the kids what to do, would instead give the consequences and let them make their own choices

- declan and lily would balance in height every other year, but until they were about 15, lily would tower over him by about 10 inches

- even when they weren't dating and went to parties together, no one would bother lily when declan was there

- cassie has a scar across her thigh from chris mckay, given to her in 9th grade. she remembers it the most because that's the same day dylan broke his arm

- toni would babysit the kids when thorn or kerley was out of town

- declan and lily would ride the school bus together, harry and dylan preferred to walk

- southsiders would have tons of parties in the center of the trailer park

- declan and lily would go on "dates" at pop's when they were 14/15

- declan and lily would share a birthday together at the wyrm

- dylan and cassie's first interaction was in 8th grade when a boy in their class would leave her alone, he sat down and talked with her to get him to go away

- partner projects, science fair, you name it, cassie and dylan were always partners, maybe because she wouldn't force him to talk


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