Others and Depression

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Depression can show up with no warning

It can show up slowly like it did with me

Usually when it comes slow its someone or something out of your body causing it

Bullies and everyone judging me caused it for me

I even got hurt physically sometimes

And i know im not the only one

When i was in about 3rd grade i trued to put on makeup but only knew what lipstick was

I ended up getting laughed at for trying to be pretty

I had freinds that tried to help

I said they helped when they didnt

When i got into 7th grade it got worse

I was suicidal

I was hopless

Everyone judged me

Then all at once i realized...

That i can make it through

It was me causing it all along

So i started to ignore the lies

I ignored everything they said

I got brave

And im telling my depression story so that you all know that there is an end

You just have to realize that

I go back to school tommorow and when i go back

I am going to flip everyone off that was ever mean to me or hurt me in any way

And when they tell the teacher

I have my ways to get them in trouble

And i want all of you to the same as i did if you were ever bullied or harassed

Get them back for it

But if you dont or dont think it will work

That fun and happy person inside of you is going to fall and never get back up

But if that happens its not the end

Don't think you cant pick that kid back up

Pick them up

Dust them off

You'll need them

Believe me

Keep going

You'll make it through

Do the same as i did

You can do it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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