Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:::


"Candi get your fat lazy ass up and clean this motherfucking house right fucking now are I'll make sure your fuck ass don't go to school so they can send you to juvi" my mother yelled from her room. I groan internally so she wont come and beat the crap out of me. I got up and started to clean what her and drunken fuck buddies did. I walk into the living room of our small apartment and I couldn't help but do another groan the living room was covered in beer bottles and pizza crust the chairs were over turned and theirs puke everywhere. Gosh only a couple more months of this shit I constantly told myself so I wouldn't lose the little sane I had left me and went and showed my mom what I really could do to her. It took me 3 hours to clean up the mess and that left me 10 minutes to get ready for school. I ended up using 5 minutes to take a shower and afterwords I grabbed the cleanest smelling clothes off the floor. They turn out to be black rip skinny and a tight black t-shirt with white skulls that shows my belly button ring . I throw on a pair of black Nike sneakers and grab my tattered book bag and sneak out quietly so my mom wouldn't hear. I closed the door and hurriedly start walking to school. I would have been able to get a car but I didn't want to alert my mom of my gang activities are she would call juvi so fast I be in jail longer then the 8 months they usually leave me in their for. It is  a 30 minute walk their is no way I'm making it to school on time I would have called one of my fellow gang members to come get me but I broke my phone a couple od days ago when I slammed it down on a table at the last official gang meeting due to a lost amount of money I heard we had lost to a rival gang . It was on e of the rare times I lost my cool infront of others. I started walking a litttle faster so I could make it at a resonable time when a black Mercedes pull up . I knew that car anywhere it was a rival gang member personal car. I made it a point to know these things. I hit the ground as a loud boom echoed. Fuck they were shooting at me they day I leave my gun at the hellwhole I call home. I made it safely into the woods and took off running when suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind. 


Mwhahahahha don't you hate cliffhangers I don't I love them . Hahahhaha I wonder who it is......Bye guys I love yew readers don't forget to comment I love when you do peace tell next time


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