Chapter 4

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Miguel and I practiced our kicks all day. kicking boards was hard but Miguel and I pulled through.

"I wish I could show my mom what I did to those boards but if she knew where I was right to know she would kill me," Miguel told him.

"Put your costumes on I'm driving you two to the dance and I'm picking up some students," I rushed to the bathroom and put on my pirate costume.

"Put your costumes on I'm driving you two to the dance and I'm picking up some students," I rushed to the bathroom and put on my pirate costume

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(here is an idea of what Nicole is wearing)

"You don't have anything longer than that," Johnny told me I shook my head. he turned to Miguel due to my giggle. "What the hell is that?"

"It's my Halloween costume, my Yaya made it. it started off as Deadpool then I think it was a spiderman and then it just kind of became some generic superhero," he told sensei.

"Yea a poor one at that, you're poor man," we all giggled" well I'm not letting you go ou like that. we have a reputation to uphold."

" what do you suggest." At that point my dad had no care in the world what I was wearing, I was upholding it and with that Miguel was wearing some old skeleton costume of my dad's, he looked good though.

We arrived at the party and me and Miguel walked up looking like the most badass karate kids ever. "oh, skeleton classic, and a slutty pirate,"

"Yea nice scorcer costume nerd," I told him annoyed.

"Please, I'm a necromancer, didn't you see the amulet," Demetri educated me.

"You literally just proved my point," I placed my hand on my head.

"So you a regular doctor or?" Miguel pointed to Eli.

"Plastic surgeon fixes lips," he told us.

"well I think you look cool but I don't get to see the badass scar," I exclaimed, he pulled his mask down and smiled. Eli was sweet I liked that about him.

I offered to get everyone a drink and Eli offered to help me them for everyone. we walked over to the punch bowl and I grabbed four cups. as I was pouring the punch in the drinks while Eli held he began, " You know I don't think you look slutty but hot."

I grinned at his words, " well thank you you don't look half bad yourself." we continued to talk after we brought over the drinks and that went on for a while.

"no way this is my favorite song, someone has to come dance with me," no one volunteered.  "tough crowd welp I guess I'm picking," I grabbed Eli's hand and started to dance.

(I'm playing crazy in love by Eden project/never let me go by Florence and the machine but feel free to listen to any song rn. and I'll tell you to skip to a certain part of the song if you are listing)

We were dancing but this is a slow song so I grabbed his wrist and placed them on my waist and took mine on his shoulder. "Wow, I've never noticed how beautiful your eyes are," I stared into his eyes and we smiled. (3.22 Eden) (1.40 Florance) it was unexpected he pulled me and spun me around and we stared at each other pulling each other closer like no one else in the room existed. I've never felt this way about anyone he truly made me feel good. The song finished and we went back to Demetri and Miguel but we weren't there for long everyone aka the boys wanted to dance with "the dragon queen".

"Okay, are we ready? let's ask the dragon queens to dance," Miguel was frustrated because they wouldn't move.

"Well you know when I asked one of you guys to dance no of you seemed up to it. but you are okay with asking the girls wearing wigs,"

"well you're more of a sister to us," Demetri said as a kicked his foot.

"I have to go to the bathroom," he stuttered on his words as each dragon girl got swept away by some other dudes.

"Yeah me too, that punch is going right threw me," Demetri responded. We all headed to the bathroom and I went to the girl's bathroom to freshen up. As I was in the bathroom and soon to be walking out I got a ding on my phone of some girl eating chips saying oink, god did I hate these kids. I continued to walk out of the bathroom I waited outside because it was a couple of yards from the boys. I saw the two wimpy boys running out of the bathroom and they came up to me. "Dude, Kyler... and... his friends are in the bathroom and I think... Miguel is about to get his ass... beat." they came panting to me.

"Wtf, you pussies," as I ran towards the locker room the boys ran away.

I opened the door to see some fellow pirates fighting it out with Miguel. "let him go!" one of the bigger boys came over to me. "aw what's a sweet little pirate like you doing in the boy's locker room." the bigger boy grabbed me by the waist leading me to kick him in the nose. "Seems like you aren't as good as you look," he told me pushing me against the locker as I saw Miguel getting kicked around. TW: Sexual assault is about to happen(also not my original idea for this scene) as I was against the locker his dirty fingers went up to my skirt, slowly but painful and I pushed and nudged I was able to get a good punch on him, he grabbed my arms and slapped me and punched me right in the stomach throwing Miguel and me to the ground of the locker room and they just walked out. Soon after they left he saw Miguel and me on the ground as tears went down my face.


I slept in late as possible and I woke up to the smell of beer and my dad passed out on the floor. His phone rang and it was Robby's school he hung up and noticed me in the door frame. "Hey, the kid I know those kids beat you up last night, and though it seemed Miguel got the bigger pounding doesn't mean its okay," I smiled and went in my room to change but I couldn't tell him what really happened no one not a single soul.

I walked out of the house in some baggy jeans and a black crop top that said cobra kai on it. Miguel was sitting outside on a planter. "Hey sensei my mom said I can't train with you anymore but-," he was cut off "kid you don't get it there is no dojo anymore, I'm closing it up to it's over," it broke me to hear him say that. I stayed behind with Miguel and went to school. As I was walking down the stairs to class I heard kids oinking at the girl I got a photo of last night. I ran to her. "Hey I'm Nicole you know don't listen to them all they are, are a bunch of assholes." I smiled at her but I had to get to class so I ran the other way.

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