Daddy's Back (Zayn Oneshot)

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I found this on 1dsexualfrustrations on Tumblr, enjoooy!

I sat down at the empty booth in Rose’s Diner. It was an early morning, the waitresses had just started brewing coffee. But the thing I came here for was missing. Zayn. He told me he’d be here at promptly 10:30 and it was 10:50. I was late but I got here before he did, he was always late for everything. Even our year anniversary. The reason why we broke up. It’d been 3 months and I’d been sleeping alone in what used to be our flat, his side of the bed cold and empty. On some nights when I’d missed him I’d smell his pillow, which he never got around to getting, to sniff the remainder of what used to be his sweet cologne. I’d give a good smell and sob quietly so the neighbours wouldn’t hear, I would never tell him but I missed him more than anything. But I couldn’t let him know that, I needed to look strong. As if our break-up only made me better. I had my hair in beachy waves and I wore crimson skinny jeans, a crisp Peter Pan collared white button up, the collar with silver accents, & black low top converse. “Good Morning, what would you like?”, A waitress approached the table. She was an obvious bottle blond with dull brown eyes and wrinkles under. She wore her bright blue uniform and orthopaedic shoes. Her name tag read Sharon. “Oh, I’ll have a-“,”A coffee, two sugars, extra shot of cream, & a blueberry muffin.” Zayn interrupted, he stood behind my booth seat. “Is that right Miss?” Sharon asked blushing at Zayn. I still was fighting the desire to turn and look at him. “Yeah, it’s fine.” I mumbled and slouched a little in my seat. “What will you have Mr. Malik?” Sharon smiled flirtatiously at him. Even though we weren’t together anymore I still felt the desire to stab her in her ugly spray tanned neck. “That’ll be all.” He said back, squeezing my back gently. Sharon then scuffled along to get my order. Zayn then walked into my view and sat down in front of me. He was still as sexy as ever. His hair was different, it had this scruffy thing going on but it was still cute. He wore a grey tee, a dark rinse jean jacket, dark rinse jeans, and sneakers. He looked up and down at me and smiled slightly. “I’m sorry I’m late.”, “Great conversation starter, Zayn. You’re always late. I was late and I was here before you.” I snapped back. “I apologised didn’t I? Anyway, I’m glad you could meet me Y/N. You look really good. How have you been?” He laughed. “I’ve been fine. You?” I said back, I couldn’t let him know how much I’d missed him. Just looking at him made he wanna jump his bones. “I’m good. The lads miss you.” He replied, “I miss them too.” I admitted. “I miss you.” Zayn continued quietly. I stifled a gasp, had he really missed me liked I’d missed him? “Oh, I suppose I feel the same.” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck tentatively. “Would you consider getting back-“, He was interrupted by Sharon. “Here’s your order. That’ll be £8.”, She said knowing she’d interrupted something important. “Here,” Zayn said handing her £10. “Keep the change.” He finished and shooed her away. Zayn and I sat in silence as I indulged in my coffee and muffin. “Can I be honest with you, Y/N?”, “Shoot.” I laughed. “These past few months have been hell without you. Everywhere I go I can’t help of think of you. I know I was an arse and hotheaded, but I promise you if you give me another chance I will be the best boyfriend in the history of the galaxy.” He said his brown eyes looking into my greys. “You’re so fucking cheesy Zaynie. Of course I’ll take you back.” I chuckled. He his face lit up and he smiled wide, just how I liked it. “Let’s get out of here Y/N/N.”, He smiled again. I stood up with him and we walked together arms looped. We walked to his car and drove to my flat. “Am I still welcome?” He asked, “It was always still our flat even when you left.” I smiled shyly and stepped out of the car. We headed in and took off our shoes by the door like we used to. I walked him to our room and kissed him. “It’s been three months, Zayn.” I whispered into his ear seductively. “Me too, babe.” He laughed and embraced me. He sat his hand on my ass and smacked it. I moaned quietly. “Louder!” He said where I could barely hear and smacked my ass harder. An inhumanly noise slipped out of my mouth. “You like it when Daddy does that?” He asked, kissing my neck. He knew how much I liked it when he said that. “Yes Daddy.” I finally spoke out. “Did you miss Daddy?” Zayn asked rubbing my ass just to smack it. “Uh! Yes I did.”,”Tell me how.”. He commanded unbuttoning my top slowly. Button by button. “I missed how you would fuck me so hard I couldn’t walk the next day.” I spoke submissively. “Is that what you want Daddy to do?” He said unclasping my bra with one hand then letting the bra fall off of my body. He kneaded my breasts in his hands and took a nipple. “Yes! Daddy, please do that for me.” I felt like I was already going to cum and he was barely doing anything. “Only for you my dirty girl.” He chuckled darkly and quickly pulled his and my own clothes off. He sat me at the end of the bed, legs spread wide for him. He put the head of his cock in my entrance and swirled it around causing me to scream. He laughed and put himself all the way inside me. He pounded into me as if it was going to be his last time ever fucking me. I screamed his name loudly not caring who heard. He then pulled out and pounded back in and hit my g-spot. “Ugh! Fuck! Zayn! Harder!” I screamed. I could feel him tiring out and so was I. He pulled out and came eye level with my pussy. He flicked my clit with his tongue and he started to tongue fuck me. It felt very different, but I loved it. “You can cum Y/N.” He growled, I came all over his mouth and he licked me all up. “Suck my dick.” He put me on my knees and stuck his length into my mouth. I took all of him in and he started to groan my name. I started to pump his manhood then he came into my mouth and I swallowed it all. “Fuck, babe. That was perfect.” He managed to utter and we hugged each other. And I finally felt like the whole he’d drilled into my heart was now filled.

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