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Ryota's POV

  I sat at a table alone. The usual. I want to talk to people, but they turn me down and walk away. They're not interested in anime like I am. They usually just ignore me and make fun of me.

  But it's just who I am. I've loved anime since the beginning. Sadly no one found an interest in my likings. I can't decide on what someone likes. So I don't mind at all. All I hate is being alone.

  I looked around hearing all the laughter and chatting coming from the other students. I wish I could join in, but I can't. I looked down at my food and tears falling down as fast as waterfalls. I couldn't help it. I was just in so much pain.. I couldn't handle it anymo-!

"Someone sitting here?"

I turned around and I saw one of my classmates Byakuya Twogami.. We talked sometimes. But he probably never considered me a friend. He usually sat with his other friends. "Uh no actually.." I wiped off my tears as he sat across from me. Why would someone like him talk to me.. He's so great and I'm so small.

"Is everything alright Ryota?.. You seem to be blue.." I looked at him and began to tear up. I couldn't help it.. "T-To be honest n-no.. I hate s-sitting here a-alone.." He looked at me with a worried look on his face and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Well I could sit with you." He smiled at me. He had a very bright smile. It made me cheer up a little. Just something about him made me happy.. Seeing him in my classes. "I-I know your answer, b-but do you l-like anime?.."

He chuckled a bit then responded. "If you would like. You can show me. I never really had an interest or heard of it."

I got flustered a bit. I usually got a little flustered when I saw him. I didn't know why but I just did. "Yeah I-I can show y-you.." I started to show him my drawings. He asked so many questions. I liked that he wanted to know so much. Finally someone who actually likes something I enjoy.

"Ryota you're very good at art. This is honestly fantastic." I blushed at his words. I just stayed silent then opened my mouth. "S-Someone h-has n-n-never said something l-like that.." He had a shocked facial expression on his face. "Why would anyone not compliment your art!? It's outstanding!" People were looking at us. Like he was crazy. But they admittedly turned away. They never paid attention to me..  "No o-one w-was interested.. W-Which I-I can't b-believe someone l-like you w-would compliment or s-sit with me."

"Do you think you're not at my standards? Is that what you think of everyone being..  Why do you always put others in front of yourself?" I started to cry. "I-It's because I'm useless! I-I'm not special a-at all!! I'm j-just a dumb a-animator! I-I can't do a-anyt-!"

  "Ryota Mitarai! That is a lie! You can do anything if you put your mind to it! You're an outstanding animator and artist! Don't say that again!" I looked at him blushing red as hell. And I stopped crying. I just looked at him with my eyes wide open and my jaw dropped. I finally felt happy to be in this school. I could kiss h-! Kiss him?! Am I a lunatic?! I suddenly felt very embarrassed.. "T-Thanks B-Byakuya.. I mean it f-from the b-bottom of m-my heart.." He went over to me then hugged me.

He's hugging me!! He's hugging me!!? I felt sweat dripping down my face. This was insane. But I hugged back anyway.. I can't believe this is only the beginning of an amazing friendship with him.

After a bit he stopped and went back to his seat. Then adjusted his glasses. "Now that you know the truth. I would not want to hear those words come out of your mouth. Do I make myself clear, Ryota?."

"Y-Yes. You have my word." Byakuya nodded then got up to get to his next class. I saw all the students leave one by one. My face began to heat up and I slightly smiled. I felt like I was in.. Love.. A feeling I couldn't stop feeling when I was around Byakuya. This was totally a start of something new.

(Time skip)

   We began to sit next to each other. Everyday at lunch. He also began to stick up for me. I got butterflies in my stomach when he did those things. We knew so much stuff about each other. The only thing I kept secret was my feelings. I kept them to myself. But I had to tell him one day. And to be honest..

  That day was today.

(At lunch)

I sat down and put my things next to me. Then my food on the table. "Good evening Ryota." I waved to him. "Hey B-Byakuya.." I felt my palms get sweaty. I was very nervous.. "Is everything alright? You seem skittish. More than usual."

  I rubbed the back of my head. "Nah I-I'm fine.." I always felt when I was lying he knew I wa-. "I feel like you're lying to me. I hate when you lie to me." He knew. I felt my face get warmer and warmer. I couldn't even respond.

"Ryota?" I stayed silent. He looked like he was getting irritated by the second. I was dead. I should bury my own grave..

"Ryota Mitarai?! Are you comprehending what I'm saying?!" Great now he's pissed. I have to say something. Or I'm gonna be friendless aga-! "Y-Yes I am. I-I'm sorry.. I'm just nervous." He felt relieved and sighed. "Sorry for raising my voice. I feel embarrassed. Forgive me."

  "Yeah e-everything's fine man.. Don't stress it B-Byakuya." Byakuya's face became relaxed and we began to talk about anime again. I felt like time was going so slow. I felt like the world was just telling me to tell him. The truth about how I felt. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. But I just took a breather to relax myself. So I began to prepare for what Byakuya had to say back.

"Um.. Byakuya. There's something I've b-been hiding from you.. For awhile.. I j-just wanted to t-tell you. A-And I hope t-this doesn't change anything.."

Byakuya's POV

What in the world could he ask me? So I took it upon myself to respond to his odd thing he's been hiding from me. "What would that be Ryota?" I saw his face slowly becoming scared. He looked speechless for awhile then began to talk again. "W-When uhh. Y-You started to s-sit with me. I-I felt my stomach h-have butterflies.. S-Sometimes when I-I-I'm around y-you my f-face becomes red." I chuckled a bit. "Sometimes I see your face become red.. It happens a lot."

He blushed and slowly got embarrassed. It was honestly somewhat cute. "Y-Yeah.." He laughed nervously. "B-Byakuya.. Look. I-I..." He began to sweat. Sweat dripping down his face. I thought he was gonna have a panic attack. "Just tell me Ryota.. I won't get mad and nothing will change between us. So there's no need to be embarrassed to tell me."

Ryota's face got super red, but he finally began to tell me. "B-Byakuya.. I-I'm in love with you!" My jaw dropped. And his face looked like a cherry. I looked around to see some people looking at us.

"Let's go." I grabbed Ryota's arm and dragged him to the bathroom. "B-Byakuya!" He probably felt embarrassed, but I had to get us out of that mess.

We got to the bathroom. I checked to see if anyone else was in there. But the coast was clear. I let go of Ryota's arm and began to speak. "Y-You love me?"

Ryota's POV

I had no idea what to say. I felt very embarrassed. Something I normally feel.. I bit my lip. And I kind of just stayed there awkwardly. Because I knew I was gonna be turned down. But I had to answer him eventually. "Yes Byakuya I-I do.. I really hope t-this doesn't ruin our f-friendship.." Byakuya then looked at me and said "This did change our friendship.." I felt my heart break. "I-I see.." I felt tears roll down my cheek. "G-Great I shouldn't o-of told y-you.. N-Now I'm g-gonna lose m-my only frie-!"

Then I was cut off. I felt Byakuya's soft lips against mine. He then backed away. "This did change our friendship. I-If you would like. This could turn into a relationship.." That's what he meant by change in our friendship. He scared the shit out of me. But I felt relieved. Then so I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. He closed his eyes and I did the same.

After awhile I released from the kiss. I held his hand in mine. "L-Let's go back to t-the lunchroom." Byakuya nodded in response. So we went back to the lunchroom. I was happy to be in a relationship with Byakuya.

"I love you Ryota Mitarai.." said Byakuya

"I l-love you too Byakuya Twogami"

(Yes I know Imposter is non-binary, but in this story Ryota or the other students don't know their real identity)

Word count: 1641

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