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Once upon a time long long ago, there lived a tiny frog named Bababoo. He was a tiny and light green speckled frog. No need to tell you the story of how he got the name Bababoo. Just need you to imagine this odd character of a frog. Bababoo was very curious but very shy. Sometimes he would hop up to lively gatherings hosted by the richest of the rich, and peek out of nearby plants. He looked at all the extravagant dresses and coats. You see as a tiny frog he couldn't possibly fit in a sock , or even gloves. So all Bababoo could do was imagine he could wear those dazzling items. Bababoo was even curious of how party food tasted, all Bababoo had eaten was small insects and blades of grass. Not very appetizing if you would've asked him.


The Rise and Fall of Bababoo  (I am just writing this for fun)Where stories live. Discover now