After the Prims crew take their life and they thought it was over but the Nightmare is just Beginning after they kill them self they found out Element 115 is now in Azur lane's world and now they have new bodies and the Siren and some are infected...
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New Ultimis Manfred von Richthofen
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Ship form:
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Description ship: A design for completing an H-class battleship as a heavy aircraft carrier. She is a large-sized ship with armor protection that is quite good for her ship type, coupled with a very powerful AA complement.. Personality: Richtofen is a psychopath with a desire for violence, often laughing maniacally when killing. He loves blood and death and thoroughly enjoys killing zombies (as shown by one of his lines - "YES! YES, EXPLODE!"), and has a strange obsession for the spleen. He also has a strange suggestive feeling towards the zombies when killing them. Despite his insanity, he retains his knowledge of bodily organs, technology and Element 115. It's been noted when he is not killing the undead, he is on the calmer, quieter side, talking to himself alone quite a bit.
He is also adamant on completing his work quickly. He despises Dempsey, likes Nikolai and has mutual feelings towards Takeo. He is a megalomaniac due to his plans on destroying the world with a zombie army which partly fails due to intervention from Ludvig Maxis. Post-Moon, he retains his insanity as the Demonic Announcer. After the Earth was destroyed he became focused in mending the Rift to eternally damn Samantha in the Aether world and to destroy Maxis once and for all as well as to partially repair the damaged Earth.