19 : Date

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I'm curious to know so... who do y'all have on ur main team ? I have Diluc, Qiqi, Xingqiu, and Albedo<3 but I switch between sucrose, razor, and xingqiu if need be.


I wake up, desperate for warmth I turn over to Xiao to hug him but to my surprise he's not here. What kind of boyfriend leaves their partner in the bed alone... oh well, I'll just kiss him as soon I see him again.

I walk out of our room to see an old lady talking with Xiao on our dining table, I don't wanna disturb them so I'll stay in my room for now.

I slowly back up inside my room and close the door as quietly as I can.

"No need to by shy, you can come join us in our small conversation"

The old lady spoke out. I don't want to be rude so I walk outside and sit next to Xiao.

"What's your name ?"

"It's Y/N."

"What a lovely name... but anyways... Xiao, what is your connection to Y/N ?"

The whole demeanor of the old lady changed when she started talking to Xiao.

"... They're... they're my lover."

Shocked I look at Xiao, he gives me a glance telling me to not worry but... who is this lady anyways ?

"Ah I see... you just can't stay away from humans Xiao... I can't blame you though, ever since I decided to join the mortal realm once again I've gotten quite fond of the people in Liyue Harbor. I just hope that... history won't repeat itself."

The old lady looks at me.

"You're different from the others... I have high hopes for you, and please be careful, none of the adepti want to see Xiao go through such torment once again."

What does she mean ? Is she just scaring me for fun or do her words hold meaning ?

"With that said, the Rite of Descension is tomorrow. And lately... I've been sensing a change in Rex Lapis' feelings towards Liyue. I want you to be prepared for anything that could happen, if any of us could change Rex Lapis' mind... it would be you."

After that the old lady said goodbye and left. Why did she let me hear all of that ? This seems like confidential information and yet she allowed me to hear everything...

I can only fear what is to come.

"Do you wanna go on a date ?"

I turn around to see Xiao ask me the question. Gosh I haven't even had breakfast yet and I'm already getting attacked by Xiao.

"Yes ! Or did that sound too enthusiastic— uhm... yeah I wanna go on a date with you but let's have breakfast first."

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door.

I open it to find Xingqiu standing at my doorstep.

"My liege, as an apology for all the trouble that my guild mates have caused you, please accept this humble gift of 5 million mora."

5 million ?!??!?

"I-I uh... I appreciate the offer but it's not really needed—"

"No need to be modest my liege, this apology is only right so please take it."

He hands me the bags full of mora with a wide grin. Almost too wide. But I still humbly accept. I have been running low on mora so this will come in handy...

I say my farewells to Xingqiu and I come back inside. I give Xiao a kiss on the lips cuz I'm just so excited— we're not poor anymore !

I cook us breakfast and Xiao immediately cleans the dishes and the entire house so that we can get on with our date... I wanted to stall for as long as I can but I guess he's very adamant about taking me on a date.

The End of a Contract - Xiao X Reader Where stories live. Discover now