True friend

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Archers thoughts

"Jace is a sweet guy and very caring I wish people could see this side of him that I see" I look at the boy who has the softest smile I  have ever seen. "God this boy is so damn hot but to him I am only a friend" the boy is laughing and it is amazing he normally always seems so serious so it's different. I caught him looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes it was as if he has seen something he likes but when I smiled at him he turned fast. "Even though we are friends he is so shy, wait that's not true that boy has opened up to me so much" I watch our pets play and look back at him to see his face is slightly pink and couldn't help but giggle. He boy looked at me with sweet eyes as if afraid he will wake up and this all be gone. "Why is he hot to me friends don't find their friends hot do they" I shake my head and notice the boy being all shy again. "Maybe I can be his true friend and be the one he talks to" I smile softly at my thoughts then giggle again which catches the boys attention.  I slightly blush but he doesn't notice he looks away again like he is embarrassed or something.


"Hey Jace" I say and he looks at me "Yes, Archer what's up" he says and walks over to me. "If you ever need a friend to talk to you can always call me" I say and he smiles at me "That would be awesome Archie" he says and the nick name throws me off guard. "H-here is my number (740) 678-****-893" I say and he put it in his phone. "Thanks Archie" he says in a sweet tone of voice and I say "No problem Jace" and we both laugh a bit. He hugs me softly and I hug back "You are the best Archie" he says softly I giggle. "Jace I'm not the best you are" I say and he blushes and I giggle more "Cutie" I say and he looks away "I-i am not" he says. "You are too dork" I say and he looks at me and I smile. He sticks his tongue out at me and I giggle and stick mine out at him back he laughs. "Your laugh is even cute Jace" I say and he looks at me "I-it is?" he asked and I nod. he hides his face in his hands and I giggle "So shy" I say and he lets out a small growl that throws me off guard.

"I-I am sorry I didn't mean to growl" he says and looks at me embarrassed by what just happened. I walk over to him and lift his chin and kiss him I quickly pull away "S-sorry" I say he blushes again. "I don't know why I did that Jace I'm sorry" I say he shakes his head and I look at him and he smiles sweetly at me. He kisses my cheek softly I blush cause even his kisses are soft "What was that for Jace" I say he shrugs his shoulders. I pout and he laughs "Now who is being cute" he says making me blush more. "I-i that's not fair" I say in a bratty tone and he laughs more and hugs me and I hug back. Our faces are so close to each other and Jace is blushing and I can feel my heart racing fast. Jace looks me in the eyes I can't help but look at his deep blue eyes and I find myself kissing him again. "What the hell am I doing friends don't kiss each other" I think to myself to feel him kiss back. "What are we now friends or kissing buddies" I think to myself. Jace pulls away "I um I'm sorry" he says and I shake my head "I should be the one apologizing Jace I kissed you" I say embarrassed by my actions.

(Time skip)

It has been 2 months since we kissed but our friendship still stands strong did he think it was normal for friends to kiss each other. I wake up to see my kit sleeping beside me "Good morning Snowy" I say and she wakes up and looks at me. "It's been a while I bet you miss your friend huh Snowy" I say and she yawns and stretches. I get up and pick out my outfit for today "First day back to school and Jace is still home schooling" I think to myself I shake my head and grab my bag. "Now Snowy be a good girl for me okay" I say and she squeaks at me. I walk out the door and close it behind me I sigh and get in my care and drive to school. "Another shitty year of high school" I say and pull up and park in the student parking lot. "Archer!" I hear some of the popular girls say I roll my eye. "Hey, what's up" I say nicely "Did you hear that the new boy from last year was seen at the coffee shop singing this summer" the girl says. "Oh he was that's cool" I say although I already knew about it "Yeah my friend said she heard his voice and she couldn't get enough of him" the girl says and I get annoyed. "That's nice now if you will excuse me I'm going to class now" I say and walk off and enter the school building. "God why did she have to say that shit" I say to myself and I hear girls talking about Jace.

"He sings at that small coffee shop and oh my god for an emo boy his voice is so damn hot" the one girl says. I roll my eyes "She don't even know him so she can't be saying shit like that" I think to myself I shake my head. "We are just friends I shouldn't be getting jealous" I say to my self and walk into class and everyone looks at me "Oh my god It's Archer Night" a girl says and I smile softly at her "Oh my god, oh my god Archer I love you" the girl says and I giggle slightly. I take my set and then class begins. Three period latter I am in the cafeteria trying to eat my lunch and a group of friend were talking about Jace. "That Jace King guy can really sing maybe one day he will be found by a record company" they say and I giggle a bit. "If Jace gets found by a record company I won't get to see my friend or even get a chance to be with him" I think to myself. My phone pings and I look at it (Jace) I look at it for a minute and smile "He texted me" I say under my breath. 

Jace: How are you to day Archie?

  Me: To be honest I could be better Jace.

Jace: Oh, stressful day? 

Me: You could say that.

Jace: What happened?

Me: Some girls, saying you are hot.

Jace: Oh, um why?



I stop texting Jace cause I was done with lunch I felt bad leaving him on read but luck for me I was the last lunch of the day and only had 35 minutes in my last class for the day. I sat in my desk and listen to the teacher and did my work. When I was done I sat there and waited for the bell to ring to leave the school. It finally rings I get up and grab my bag and walk out of class and called Jace. "Hey Archer what's up" he say "may I come see you to day Jace" I asked and he laughs a bit "You know you are aloud Archie" he say and I say okay. I walk out to my care and get in and start to head over to Jace's house when I pull up I can hear beat's I text Jace "Hey I'm here" I wait for a reply "Come on in the door is unlocked" he texted I walk in to see his pup I smile. I hear a voice from upstairs and follow it "There are days where every body want to be okay, but there are days I just wanna feel the pain, so I try each day to be okay but the pain only finds away into my brain" the voice is rapping I look into Jace's room to see him. "I'm slowly going insane take a shot to the brain, can't let it go so I'm dying slow and I know I got to remain strong" he raps I stand in the door way listening to him. "Every body says with a little time I will be alright and that I just need to hold on tight, but no I won't hang tight I am willing to fight so get ready cause I'm gonna show my might" Jace says and turns to see me stand in the door way. "Oh shit Archie um hi" he says and turns off the beat I giggle "Hi Jace" I say and he blushes.

"How long have you been standing there Archie" He asked and I giggle more "About 10 minutes now" I say and he looks at me. "Really you stood there for 10 minutes" he says and I nod "Your voice is amazing Jace you should try music" I say and he smiles "To be honest I have been thinking about it more" he says and I noticed with in two months his hair gotten longer and he got snake bites with his hair dyed. "Holy shit Jace your hair is long and dyed and you got snake bites with in two months" I say in shock he laughs "Is it a bad thing Archie?" he asked I shake my head. "No it just makes you look a lot hotter my friend" I say and he blushes a bit "I-It does how?" he asked and I giggle. "You look more grown up a bit Jace it suites you really well" I say and he smiles "He is definitely hotter now" I think to myself as I look him up and down.  

How Jace looks now

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How Jace looks now.

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