Chapter 5: Anger Managment

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"Can I at least go home and change?" Lizzie whined, crossing her arms when they pulled to a stop. "This isn't even the right outfit to wear to a nightclub."

Chase rolled his eyes and conceded. With a smug smile, Lizzie drove to her house. "Hurry," he muttered, sounding bitter. But when Lizzie looked at him, he had a smile on his face. She grinned, told him she would and hurried up to her room. When she got up there, she found Dani on Lizzie's bed reading a magazine.

"Hey," Dani grinned, tossing the magazine aside and sitting up. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Dang it, I completely forgot about our girl's night. I'll tell Chase I can't come..." Lizzie started for the door, but Dani flung herself from the bed, shrieking. Dani crouched before the door, gaurding it like a momma bear would protect her cubs.

"You'll do no such thing," Dani said lowly, glowering at Lizzie. Lizzie swallowed and backed away with her hands up. Dani stood up and grinned at her friend and clasped her hands before her hips like an innocent child. "So what's the occasion?"

"Err... Nightclub.. Under 21, of course." Lizzie muttered, looking down shyly. Dani squealed and dug through Lizzie's closet.

"Ugh, we seriously need to go shopping," Dani muttered, tossing everything out onto the floor after it had been examined, before she found a little black dress.

"Oh my gosh, no." Lizzie said, putting her foot down.

"Come on," Dani whined. "It'll look hot."

"I'll look like a..." Lizzie looked around then whispered, "Slut." Dani rolled her eyes.

"Come on, it can't be that bad."

"I haven't worn it since the eighth grade."

"Put it on." Lizzie groaned and squeezed into it. Of course, it did little more than hug her curves.

"I guess I didn't grow as much as I thought," Lizzie muttered. Though the dress hugged her body and squeezed her chest to give her a little cleavage, it wasn't actually that bad. Made of soft material and with thin straps, it was comfortable and not so flashy that she would stand out in a crowd. It went about mid-thigh and from her hips down, the dress flowed.

"Make-up." Dani grinned evilly. Lizzie groaned, but in five minutes, Dani had successfully applied black eyeliner, mascara and some berry lip-stain. Lizzie looked in the mirror and looked like a whole new person. She wasn't sure she liked it.

"You look sexy fine. Now go." Dani giggled, throwing some silver flats at her friend. Lizzie caught them and slipped them on as she hopped down the stairs. She grabbed an emergency jacket and ran outside, hiding her face from Chase as she hopped in the car.

"Sorry I took so long. Dani was there and helped me get ready." Lizzie breathed, buckling up in a hurry.

Chase searched for her face and when he found it, his breath caught in his throat. "That's okay," he croaked, then cleared his throat and grinned. "Totally worth it." Looking down at his outfit, he said that they should stop at his house too, so he could change.

"You look fine," Lizzie muttered, sounding confused.

"Well, now you make me look underdressed," Chase chuckled as they pulled out of the driveway, heading for his house.

"Well, you always outshine me most of the time anyway," Lizzie blushed.

"Liar," Chase scoffed. "You look gorgeous always, even without this whole getup. In fact, I almost prefer your earlier outfit." Lizzie blushed and Chase felt anxious when he realized what he'd said.

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