I don't want my quirk!

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  "There aren't any signs of break-in.." Shoto noted, standing outside of a quiet door.
  "She could still be at work?" Liam offered, choosing to remain confident after several unanswered knocks.
  "Can't you call her? Or would another friend have her number? Or do you know where she works?" Xander pressed.
  Noah was looking over the hallway rail down the alternating stairs. A young neighbor boy was sitting alone, seemingly upset.
Tsk. Shoto was not about to message Katsuki for his mother's number, to then get Inko's. "I'll have people at my Agency look into it." He walked away towards the rail to make his call, spotting Noah with the child. "Psst. Stay close.." he managed before his call was picked up.
  Noah acknowledged with two thumbs up. The child had been slightly wary of the foreigner but in recognizing Shoto the hero, his attitude seemed to pick up.
  "Do you know Shoto?!" the boy asked in wonderment.
  Noah recognized the name and context. Pointing up at Shoto, Noah then patted his chest to indicate, "Friend."
  The little boy smiled, understanding.
  "Oh, I'm glad you're smiling!" Noah pointed with both pointer fingers on the corners of his mouth. "You were sad.." then he frowned.
  The boy twiddled his fingers.. "Sad, yes.." He hung his head.
  Noah gave him a questioning look, hoping they could communicate more.
  The boy patted his chest, "Name, Tora. Tora.. hurt."
  Giving him a once over, Noah scanned for signs of injury or abuse. "Where? Where are you hurt?" He took the boy's hand to spin him around. "Ahh!"
  Xander and Liam joined Shoto at the rail in a flash. "Noah!" "What happened?"
  Noah stood quietly, rubbing his hands to ease off the sting.. he didn't want Tora to feel bad. "Ah.. no, nothing.. it's my fault!" He called up.
  Tora looked at him at the verge of tears, tucking his hands under his arms.
  "I'm sorry, I scared you." Noah held out his palms. "I'm okay, don't be sad. I was just surprised! I shouldn't have touched you without asking.." Noah was sweating through aftershocks but determidley kind.
  "I didn't want hurt friend.." Tora couldn't bare to raise his head.
  "Tora, it's okay.. see?" Noah flipped his hand over and over again while getting close. "Can I hug you?"
  Tora's head shot up. "Hug?"
  "Noah.." Xander cautioned.
  Smiling, Noah looked up and then back at Tora. Opening his arms, he motioned his meaning. "Hug!"
  Tora looked down again, closing his hands into fists.
  Noah just couldn't stand by at the sight, he slowly went in and tucked the little boy into his arms. Being on the shorter side himself, it wasn't too overbearing.
  Tora started to cry. "I don't want.. I don't want quirk. I don't want my quirk!"
  Noah hugged him tighter, looking up at the others. Uh.. what do I do now?
  Shoto received back to back messages along with info he had requested. Satisfied, he went down to join Noah. "Thank you. I'll take it from here."
  Little Tora tried to clear his face as Shoto got closer.
  Shoto looked back at Liam and Xander, making sure they were still in range.. then back at Tora once he was done stressing about his appearance in front of the hero.
  "Tora, is it? It's nice to meet you." Shoto crouched to his level. "Could you tell me what your quirk is?" He measured his tone.
  "S-slash," Tora started, "It just.. feels like I'm slashing you." Tora was back to looking at the ground.
  "Hey.. I used to hate my quirk, too.." Shoto tapped him to look up, but felt a pang himself. This however had nothing to do with Tora, but the fact that Izuku was the one to make him feel different about his quirks. Izuku..
  Tora looked up at him partly in awe, partly skeptical.
  "I'm sorry you're sad. I wish you wouldn't be.. but I know it takes courage to see things differently, and maybe the help of a friend.. or two." He looked up at Noah.
  Tora untucked his hands, staring at them quietly. He tried to smile along with their friendly faces but, "I'm not brave now." He sniffled.
  Shoto felt a little pressed, he was somewhat at ease having been informed that Inko was still at work, but he wanted to find her soon. "It's okay if that part takes time. How about we start with how your quirk is helpful? If you were my sidekick, I'd be glad if you could take down bad guys without causing them physical bodily harm."
  Tora's face brightened up. "R-really?"
  "Of course. There are no injuries.. no blood. Noah here was surprised, right? That moment of surprise could be really helpful in ending a confrontation, quickly and cleanly. You just have to work on controlling it."
  Fingers twiddling, Tora gave a small nod. He then heard his mom call for him for dinner. "Ah! C-could I have a photo with you before you go??" his small voice had found its bass for the first time since he had yelled earlier. He immediately got shy again as he looked at Noah.

  After meeting Tora's mom and taking some photos, along with repeated thank-yous and a seemingly elated Tora, the group set out along their way.
  "I miss little tiger already." Noah whined as he put on his seatbelt. "Ah.. It's like he had invisible sharp claws!" He mimicked his hands into paws. "How dare he hate his quirk, while some of us.." He trailed off, shoving his hands under his pits and pouting. Did he really believe he would've had a quirk, that it was stolen.. What would it be?
  Shoto could read some of these thoughts on Noah's face. "We'll wait for Izuku's mother in front of her work place. Are you guys hungry? There'll be street vendors in the area. You guys could get a bit of sight-seeing in while we can afford it.." He said lightly, while tapping his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel. Izuku.. you need to be okay.


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