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As the evening wore on, Jackson, JB, and Mark shared a comforting meal together. The simple act of eating together, combined with the warmth of their company, began to mend the emotional rift that had separated them for so long. They laughed, reminisced, and gradually eased into a more relaxed atmosphere.

Eventually, they decided to cap off the evening by watching a movie. The three of them settled on the couch, and Jackson found himself comfortably cuddled up to JB.

As the movie played, Jackson couldn't help but snuggle closer to JB, seeking the reassurance and connection he had missed. The familiar feeling of being in JB's arms, surrounded by his presence, made Jackson feel safe and content. Gradually, the exhaustion of the emotional rollercoaster caught up to him, and he drifted into a peaceful slumber, nestled against JB's chest.

"Jackson, you'd better go to bed," JB whispered, his voice a gentle reminder. He brushed his fingers through Jackson's hair, his touch soothing. Jackson stirred, his drowsy eyes meeting JB's. He nuzzled deeper into JB's embrace, unwilling to leave the comfort of his arms.

"Can we cuddle?" were the only words that needed to be uttered, his voice barely a whisper, his eyes pleading. Just like old times, JB chuckled softly at Jackson's request, a fond smile on his face. He nodded his head in agreement, understanding the young man's need for closeness.

"Of course, Jacky," JB replied, his tone affectionate. He carefully lifted Jackson into his arms and carried him to the younger's bedroom. Gently, he placed Jackson on the bed, ensuring he was comfortable.

Jackson's room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. JB's presence alone brought a sense of security, and Jackson sighed contentedly as he settled into his bed.

"Jacks?" JB's voice broke the silence, his concern evident as he gazed at Jackson. The young man turned to look at JB, his eyes reflecting the vulnerability he had tried to hide. He nodded in response, his trust in JB unwavering.

JB's fingers brushed lightly against Jackson's cheeks, his thumb gently caressing. "What have you been doing this year?" JB asked softly, his voice filled with worry and understanding. His expression held a slight pout, as if he couldn't fathom the hardships Jackson had faced alone.

Jackson hesitated for a moment, contemplating how to convey the weight of the past year. He didn't want to burden JB with his troubles, but he also yearned for someone to understand his pain.

"After I left the dorm nothing, hyung," Jackson finally replied, his voice quiet but honest.

"I couldn't make myself do anything, I felt numb" He looked into JB's eyes, his own reflecting a sense of resignation. JB's face contorted with concern, and he tightened his arms around Jackson, pulling him even closer.

"I'm sorry," Jackson whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. JB shifted, sitting up to look directly at Jackson. He shook his head, his arms never leaving Jackson's side.

"Jackson, don't say sorry," JB said, his tone gentle but firm. "It's okay not to be okay." His words were like a balm to Jackson's wounded soul, and he couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

Jackson wept quietly, his emotions spilling over, his pent-up pain finding release. JB held him close, offering the solace of his embrace. He rocked Jackson gently, soothing his friend with the rhythmic motion, allowing him to grieve and heal.

Eventually, the tears subsided, and Jackson's breathing steadied. In JB's arms, he found a sense of peace and acceptance that he had longed for. Exhausted from the emotional catharsis, Jackson finally drifted into a deep and restful sleep, wrapped in the comforting embrace of his leader and friend.

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