Untitled Part 5

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purpleparisa thankyou for your great ideas I hope more people will wright ideas including you. Please keep them coming. 


"We are still friends right?" Hugo askes the trio. "All's forgiven." Said James smiling. Hugo took a sigh of relief. "But you will stop doing that right?" Asked Vivian. "Anything for her." Hugo Said nodding his head. "Great why don't you come over to Inchansia to smooth things over with Sofia?" Asked Amber. "We need to be doing that too as a matter of fact." She continued. The bell rang, it was art, class now. "Lets go before we get late." Said Vivian. As the 5 including Ben who had joined them in the way of shame as some of them heard what happened tried to cheer them up, Sofia was in her usual stand, not talking to anyone. Mal one of Sofia's new friend who she had made was trying to cheer her up but failed when she saw the 5 walk in she saw Ben trying to cheer them up, and was terribly failing. Ben looked at her for a moment and they both turned away blushing. Sofia saw this so did the other 4. "So you like Ben huh." Said Sofia. "What no I don't he's Hugo's best friend." Mal said trying to keep her self from blushing. Sofia continued to tease her a bit more. 

At the same time.

"Ben you like Mal." Said Hugo. "Your blushing." Said James. Amber giggled, a bit Ben stood there as red as a tomato as the 2 boys teased him. But Vivian was glairing at Mal Sofia was her best friend no way she was going to let someone steal her away from her. James saw this and so did the others. "Are you jealous.?" Amber asked Vivian. "Sofia's my best friend." Vivian replied. "And nobody can replace you." Said James. "Ya you don't have to worry about me, you need to worry about that Hugo."  Said Vivian pointing to Prince Mike who was approaching Sofia with a smirk on his face. Hugo growled. The 4 stared at him, ready to stop him if he did anything stupid. But luckily the teacher saved the day by saying settle down. All the student's settled down to their seats, Mal had left Sofia Vivian had a huge grin on the inside, she made her way towards her seat next to Sofia. Sofia gave her a look, that said still made at you. "I know, and I am sorry I should have told you the  truth from the beginning. And I get it if you don't want to be my friend any more." Said Vivian looking at Sofia with sad eyes. Amber, Maya, James, Ben, and Hugo were listning to every word. "Your right" Sofia said "your not my friend Vivian." Vivian looked down trying not to cry, the others gasped. Sofia let out a small giggle and Vivian looked up only to see Sofia coming forward to hug her tightly, "your more that, your my best friend and always will be." Vivian let out a sigh of relief and hugged her back. "You scared me." Vivian said. "Sofia we are sorry too." Said Amber and James together. Sofia looked at them and said. "But no more secrets." "We promice." They both said in unison. Hugo was about to open his mouth but Sofia cut him short. "Now lets paint." 

-------------------------------------Time Skips--------------------------------------------

At the castle Sofia hadn't really talked to any one and she staid in her room looking a at a photo, with teares in her eyes

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At the castle Sofia hadn't really talked to any one and she staid in her room looking a at a photo, with teares in her eyes. When someone knocked on the door, "Come in." Sofia Said. When Sofia saw who it was she threw a cushion which was near the window sill. "What do you want?" "I was just hear because James and I have a project to do today. James is getting the room ready. Honest." Hugo said picking the cushion, and coming towards Sofia She was still glairing at him. He sat down next to her, "Was that you father?" Hugo asked. "Ya, he taught me how to sail." Said Sofia. "I really miss him." Said Sofia letting a tear fall down her cheek. "I know what your going through. I lost my mother last year too and I miss her." "Why did you come to see me, if you have a project with James." Sofia asked Sofia's face was a little close to Hugo's but not that close. "I, am hear to say sorry." Hugo said inching a little close, only to see Sofia's glair come back, she scoffed obviously not convinced. "The only thing you can do for a change is say sorry to the girls you've hurt." She posses for a moment. "Don't look at me like that, and find some thing else for a chalenge because I am not a toy." 

Sofia storms out of the room angrily. Leaving a devestated Hugo behind.

-------------------------------------The next day------------------------------------------It wasn't any better Hugo tried again to talk to Sofia, but this time she finally snapped. "Hugo you are being realy ungrateful for what you have, you have a father, uncle, grand father, and a Brother. Who love you more than anything in the world. You have a best friend who didn't leave your side even when you became a jerk. I know you miss your mother but would your mother want you to be like this? When I became a princess I hated almost every moment of it, because I felt like I didn't belong hear, because I was scared that I would forget him if I moved on. But the truth is change dosen't hurt, I love my new family, and friends. And I'll always have a special place in my heart for my old family and friend. But the best thing of all in my new life was getting you as a friend, the old you. I miss him a lot." Sofia said There were a lot of whispers aroung. Sofia had turned around planning to leave Hugo stunned there. But he caught her hand and said, "I am sorry, I truly am." "Sorry won't do this time." Said Sofia in a cold tone and left him alone standing there. Vivian and Amber had followed Sofia out on the ice dancing rink. James and Ben stayed there Mal hadn't come to school today as she was sick. Some of the whispers said, 'what did she mean by this time. Did he do something like that before too.' 'last time she said that she liked the old Hugo since the ice dancing recital. Do you think she still likes him.' 'He is trying to change he appoligised to the girls today.' 'Do you think he's playing a long game?' 'I don't think so her brother, and sister are with him though.' 'even her best friend is with her' 'Can he really change?' 'I think he can.' 'I'll give him an other chance.'

------------And blah,,, Blah--------------------------------------------------------------

Hope you liked it. I need more ideas. Help me please. 

1 quick question what if I have King Roland Sofia's dad arranges sofia o marry Hugo when turned 19 or 20. and tries to get Sofia to fall in love with him, and kind of suceeds. Or if one of the princesses who hugo dumped before still has feelings for him and you know tries to get Hugo to forget about Sofia. Or Mike starts hitting on Sofia and Sofia rejects him and I need help!!!!!!!.............!!!!!!??????????????...........!!!!!!!!???????????????.

Dear readers please help, I am a mess trying to think of something good again this part wasn't my idea except the top part one more time thanks purpleparisa for the amazing idea. 



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