Episode 19 Minho

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As soon as we heard the voice we all looked and saw Minho and Jayden(bodyguard)

As soon as we heard the voice we all looked and saw Minho and Jayden(bodyguard)

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Yeji- Hey Minho!!

Minho- Hey!

Y/n- Hey Minho

Minho- Hi mommy

I went to him and kissed him on the cheeks

Y/n- What a nice surprise u gave mommy by coming here btw how u came here?

Minho- I came with Jayden uncle

Y/n- Alright

Minho- Mommy I wanna tell u something

Y/n- What is it?

Minho- My school is going on a camping trip So can I go pweasuu *puppy eyes*

Y/n- *Chuckles* Well I can't say no to that so u can go

Minho- YAHAYYYY!!!!

He started jumping around we all chuckled Suddenly he stopped jumping and got sad

Y/n- What's wrong Minho? *sweet voice*

Minho- Mommy jerry said his Appa is taking him to Disney land on Sunday I also want a appa where is he mommy??

The whole room went silent

Y/n- *clears throat* Minho he is aboard working u will see him soon

Minho- But when....*teary eyes*

Y/n- Aww don't cry my Minho u will going to meet him soon and he said he will bring lots of chocolates and toys for u she he will come

Minho- REALLY?!?

Y/n- Yup! Now stop crying and do u want Ice-cream

He cutely nodded

Y/n- Jayden take him to the Ice-Cream store and buy him Ice-cream

Jayden- Ok Miss y/n let's go Young master Minho

Y/n- Now go and Mmmm....I will bring u to Disney land tomorrow how about that


Y/n- Luv u too

Minho- Let's go uncle Jayden

He holds his hand and they left.....As they left I sighed heavily

Yeji- U ok y/n?

Y/n- I don't know how long im gonna able to lie to him one day he will find the truth and he is gonna hate me forever

Mark- No he is not gonna hate u if he will finds the truth ur only thinking the dark side think from bright side to when he will know who is his dad and what he did to you he is gonna hate him not u he loves u so much

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