Killer Moth

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"Stop!" Wonder Woman said as she tried to catch Killer Moth, but she was captured by a red sphere that suddenly surrounded her.

"How is he doing that? He doesn't have powers." Leroy cried as he was hit by a red bat.

"Don't know, but I don't care." Raven said as she was blocked from grabbing Killer Moth by a red wall that appeared in front of her.

"Whoa!" Beast Boy cried as a red leash suddenly appeared around his neck and tied him to a pole.

"What's happening?" Supergirl cried as her and the others came on the scene.

"We don't know." Wonder Woman said. "Killer Moth was robbing a bank, we cornered him, and this red stuff started attacking."

"Ahh! Batgirl!" Killer Moth. "Just who I wanted to see. I have someone for you to meet."

"Who?" Batgirl asked sarcastically.

"My new, better than you, partner. Heros every my partner, the Red Light!" Killer Moth announced.

Suddenly, a being slammed into the ground, sending the heros flying. There stood a teenage girl who had red-energy-made wings and winged mask. But the heros were gapping at the insignia on her shirt: red lantern mixed with Killer Moth's logo.

It was Vera!

The Red Light--Vera aimed her ring directly at the heros.

"Say goodbye heros." She snickered.

Killer Moth and the Red LightWhere stories live. Discover now