25 3 15

Enjoy OfCourseSirr mate!

The girl above is our girl.

To everyone else, whatever happens, happens. If you don't like it, you can stop reading the story, but you won't know what happens next.

One more thing. I have no fucking clue what I'm doing with this story.


A small town of about 2,000 was decreasing. The police couldn't find a lead for any of the 50 missing people.

How does our girl know this?

Her parents are cops!...

Well, one of them is... Sadly, the nicer one had died while trying to pick our girl up from school one day. Only the necklace was found which is what our girl wears to this day.

Since then, our girl had legally changed her name to Hazzy Sirr, an altered version of what her father was called when he was around her age.

As for the not so nice one...

Her mother is a big fucking Karen. I'm not talking about the classic Karen either. She's most likely one of the worst Karens you'd hate from the get-go.

Like... If Hazzy were to tell anyone that she slept in the basement with no bed because she legally changed her name, her mom would sell everything that belonged to her father.

I wish I was making that up, but I'm not.

Every day, her mother would dress Hazzy even if she was a college student studying to become a cop and do her make up. Should she take off the makeup, she wouldn't be fed for however long her mother would say.

I started to sidetrack. Let's get back to the police reports.

Even if Hazzy was trying to become a cop like her father, she was clever with her hands so stealing a copy of the reports was a breeze for her.

It had seemed as though there was a pattern to the town's people disappearances. Mostly women twenty years of age would go missing as well as a few men here and there. Mostly on the plus size of the scale, carried a lot of blood, and/or those with larger bones.

"If mom is slacking off then I'll find all 50 people myself" she mumbled. If you couldn't tell from the first 350 words, Karen is a twisted cop since Hazzy's father died.

Of course, when reporting this to her mentors, it was a bit laughable.

"You have to start from the bottom," they'd say. "After you spend time as a parking meter maid, THEN you can work with someone on the case. Even then, your mother would have the final say since she's the sheriff."

This angered Hazzy since she knew that her mother would keep her as a meter maid.

Despite what others said and what her mother would do, Hazzy dressed up in the most revealing outfit she could find and snuck out of her home waiting near the bar to see if she can bait the killer.

Hazzy stood true to her name and acted a bit tipsy to see if she could bait the killer out of hiding. Of course, she knew something like this wouldn't work in real life on her first try, but she had to have a bit of faith in it'll work.

After half an hour, a hooded figure with a worn-out hoodie approached her with a smile. It almost had seemed that his teeth were uneven and pointy like stalagmites and stalactites as they faintly sparkled as a pearl would. Maybe quarts? Whatever it may be, he seemed to sparkle with charm even if his face was mostly hidden in the shadows.

He wore bell-bottoms that were too big for him since he seemed to extend his legs out and around to walk.

"Good evening, miss," he said while offering his gloved hand. Even if his sleeves were torn to meet his elbows, his gloves managed to cover his skin well. "Why is a beauty like you alone in the ally?"

"My... my cab was supposed to *hic* be here a while ago," said Hazzy as she intentionally missed his hand a few times before the stranger reached out for her hand. To Hazzy, she seemed pretty convinced that she was a good actor.

The stranger's smile turned into a smirk as he carefully led her somewhere.

"You can stay at my place until you're sober, ma'am."

"Oooooookie dokie. *hic*"

She followed him adding a bit of wabble to her walk to seem more convincing. He didn't seem to think anything was out of line from what Hazzy could see. He had his phone out at a certain point in time so she quickly examined it to find some clues. She may not have obtained his password, but he did see who he was texting.

In his contacts, the stranger had called him "Fishsticks" complete with a fish emoji just for a laugh out of it. The conversation was about her and some estimates on some medical things like how her blood is and how thick are her... "meaty parts"...

Why the fuck am I narrating this?... Eh, I don't have any other choice... BACK IN CHARACTER!!!

No doubt, these were the guys as they went outside of the town and into the woods. Before they could enter the wood cabin, Hazzy hit him as hard as she could to knock him out without hesitation...

...only to seemingly hit what felt like a rock where his neck is.

Hazzy held her hand as she bit her lip humming in pain. She knew it wasn't broken, but it still hurt like crazy. The stranger turned around removing his hood as he chuckled. When he opened his eyes, Hazzy knew she was royally screwed.

The white part of his eyes was grey while the pigment was pitch black.

"You should've been more observant, darling," he said while pointing at the trail. Besides her footprints, the trail following the stranger wasn't footprints at all but rather holes as if points were stuck to the ground. "Sweet dreams~"

Looks like it was lights out for Hazzy.


Word Count: 1,005

Bio: Hazzy (A Fanfic Involving &quot;Omar Sebali&quot; & &quot;TheGameSalmon&quot;) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now