12 2 1

Lauren can go to hell.


There were two muffled voices from what Hazzy could tell. One of them seemed to belong to the grey-eyed asshole who clocked her. Not that she could do anything about it though.

She had a bit of air time before rolling along the cold hard ground. Of course, she was in pain from being thrown wherever she is now, but she decided to go back to sleep before trying anything.

As she slept, her captors had made sure she couldn't get out. One was the guy who kidnapped her while the other was his partner in crime who stood to his right. His friend chuckled revealing his piranha-like teeth.

"Why the fucking hell did you pick up a banana?" asked his partner in crime. All he wore was an old shirt with his favorite hat on his head since his lower regions were different from the average human. "This bitch is hurting my fucking eyes the longer I stare at her..."

"What, you think it's easy to collect, fish sticks?" the grey-eyed one spat out before removing his hood ripping it as his horns grew. The grey-eyed one ran his long pointy fingers through his hair so he looks nicer than what he truly is underneath. "I look for food, you prepare them. That was the deal, you shithead."

"You're supposed to also find fans of our fathers, remember? Neither would notice if a few shits just slipped away from society no matter how active they are according to them."

"True, but last I checked, we're stuck in this forgotten wasteland... Something is binding us here and we can't fucking leave, dammit!"

"And what have you done to get us the fuck out of here, huh!? I've been surfing the goddamn internet trying to find some kind of spell, ritual, or whatever to get us home! I've shit that I can't unsee, humans that don't deserve to be alive, there's even rules of the internet that shouldn't exist! You're not helping us get home!"

"I'm finding your meat, my blood, and bones for our pets! Last I checked, your dog was going after my cat."

"Kitanna was trying to steal Alonso's bones! I had set aside bones for both of them so your cat needs to back the fuck off my dog!"

The grey-eyed one grabbed his partner in crime's head ripping it off his body then threw it into the makeshift cell Hazzy was in causing "fish sticks" to go after it. However, the grey-eyed one grabbed his tail throwing him across the room.

"Fuck you, Shiny Ore!" he roared within the cell as his body flipped his partner in crime off... Well, that's what he was trying to do, but it was a bit difficult to see at the moment.

"Then do it yourself, Orca," Shiny Ore taunted with a rocky smile in his words. "I'm surprised your father found a girlfriend at all with how you are."

Orca growled before "slithering" his way to the cell where they were keeping Hazzy so he can retrieve his head. Once it was back on his body, he went to his room to get new bandages to keep his head connected to his body better.

Shiny Ore chuckled as he made his way to the dying room. Yes, that's what they called their "living" room. Anyways, he laid on the old couch they had trying to be careful not to cause a spring to fly as he pulled out his phone to check up on his father.

"So dad made another fnaf free roam video," he mumbled as he placed his headphones upon his head. He wasn't a fan of the Five Nights at Frankie's franchise as a whole, especially the free roam clones, but he was still going to help his father gain people. "Let's add a bit more charm to you..."

Shiny Ore's eyes started to glow as he put a charm upon his father that'll attract people to him, but he felt a little upset knowing that his father was unaware that Shiny existed. Even Orca's father was semi-aware of his presence due to his powers and one of his fans somewhat exposing Orca, but that was it.

Speaking of Orca, he was staring at himself in the mirror with a frown across his face. He knew that unless he were to find a match, he wouldn't be able to blend in with the humans even if most of his body could come apart and reassemble.

"Father would freak the hell out if he were to see you or Saxo," he commented as he grabbed an old blue shirt. He then punched his mirror causing a major crack in it as blue started liquid started to spill from his hand. "Even 'mom' would be terrified of your ugly ass..."

In a way, you could say that Shiny Ore and Orca were brothers, but they weren't. Their fathers are best friends in the real world who share fans and one of them had semi-exposed their existence... Well, that's not exactly true, but she had drawn the both of them before and Orca's father is more aware of their existence than Shiny's father. 

Orca signed as he shook the shards out of his hand before going to the kitchen to make some food to fatten Hazzy up. He sighed knowing he and Shiny could never eat the human's food, but he was at least happy they could kinda taste what they ate as... well...

...they ate their rotting corpses...

While chopping up some plants, something that resembled a canine fish went up to Orca nudging against his tail. A small smile followed by a sigh escaped Orca's mouth as he turned his head to face the hybrid.

"Evening Alonso," he said as he stared at his pet. Well, he shared Alonso with his brother, but Saxo wasn't present at the moment and Shiny had his cat. "How are you, boy?"

The dogfish barked as he, too, defied gravity with his tail by swimming towards his owner's face, licking it. Orca chuckled before pushing Alonso away from him.

"Glad to see someone's enjoying this damn joint," Orca chuckled as he continued to fix a meal for Hazzy. His pariah smile started to show as an idea came into his mind.

Once the food was ready, he delivered it to Hazzy as well as a small pot of water.

"Are you watching, Al?" he asked his pet. Alonso barked then pawed at the stones blocking Hazzy in. "I'll take that as a hell yeah."

With a sharp smile on his face, Orca threw the water at Hazzy which woke her up. Her eyes widened in awe at what she saw...


Word Count: 1135

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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Bio: Hazzy (A Fanfic Involving &quot;Omar Sebali&quot; & &quot;TheGameSalmon&quot;) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now