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BGM - Dragon Ball Super Ending 9: Haruka (Far Away)

Ending starts with a battle damaged Beat, with parts of his costume ripped up, standing up from the rubble in an unknown wasteland, where the sky is colored purple/dark, with building debris everywhere. The scene shifts to all the villains Beat has faced during his time in Remnant (Roman, The White Fang, Etc.), which also includes Demigra, standing in front of a blazing blue flame, ending it off with the Chamel, Robelu and the Hooded Saiyan standing right next to their leader on top of all the rubble, with the Saiyan’s eyes flaring up with fire.

The scene shifts to a single Dragon Ball, where it shows an image of Beat’s friends looking all happy, before the image changes and shows Weiss, Blake, and Yang, with smiles on their faces. The Dragon Ball then changes to Beat's left eye, where he is holding onto his right arm as he is still in pain while also looking out to the sunrise. As he gets into battle position, he is met with Ruby standing right next to him. Beat looks a bit surprised that she's with him, with Ruby responding with a smile. Beat then smiles back as the two teens nod at each other and look out to the sunrise in their fighting stance.

The scene changes to the Dragon Ball Heroes team standing on the right side of this mountain cliff they're all standing on, looking out into the sunrise. It then shifts to the middle of the cliffside, where Team JNPR are standing side by side, joining the heroes by also looking out into the sunrise. The scene then shifts to the right side of the mountain cliff, Weiss, Yang, Blake, Ozpin, and Glynda staring out into the sunrise with a smile on their faces. The camera zooms out to show all the heroes on the same mountain cliff, staring into the distance as a brand new day arrives, ending it off with Beat and Ruby jumping towards the screen in the air, looking like they're ready to fight.

BGM Ends

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