Dean's 42nd Birthday

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"Jack keep your voice down-"

Dean wakes up to Cas' voice next to him telling Jack not to be so loud, but the boy is excited to be the first to wish Dean a happy birthday.

The retired hunter feels a rush of affection towards their son and makes a big show of pretending to wake up, grumpy and yawning, much to Cas' amusement.

"What the hell is going on?" he groans, rubbing his eyes. Jack wastes no time hurriedly coming up to him and hugging him forcefully, knocking the breath out of him.

"Happy Birthday, Dean! See? I was the first to remember" he tells him excitedly.

"Alright, alright" he pats the boy's shoulder and uses his grip to tilt back and look him in the face. "Good job, kid" he tells him.

Jack beams with pride at these words, Dean doesn't have it in him to tell the kid that it was actually Cas who wished him happy birthday first. First and thoroughly, for most of the night.

A look at the angel - Dean still calls him that everyday - shows him the man's thoughts wandered to the same place, his cheeks rosy. Dean smirks.

Someone clears their throat and Dean takes his eyes off Cas to find Sam by the door, left arm around Eileen's waist. Jack steps aside to make space for them and they both hug him tightly in turn, wishing him a happy birthday. Sam's got that soft smile of his planted on and Dean rolls his eyes at him.

"C'mon what is this, Sleepover club? Are we gonna braid Sam's hair now?" he jokes. Sam hits the side of his head with a pillow.

"You can't beat up the birthday boy!" he objects, fighting back armed with Cas' pillow. He hits him square in the face. Yeah that's better.

"Pretty sure it's just called 'elderly abuse' Dean" he retorts, ready to counter attack. Dean can feel Cas' body by his side vibrate with laughter.

"Take it back, Samantha" he tells him, mockingly outraged. Before they can hit each other again, Eileen stops them and takes Sam's hand.

"Why don't you make me some coffee since you woke me up early on a day off?"

Sam nods looking apologetic - God, his brother is so gone for her - and they begin to head out.

Eileen stops to call Jack, who's still standing there smiling, asking him if he could help with breakfast and the boy salutes them before following her out.
Dean thinks she's doing this just to give him and Cas some privacy and his suspicions are confirmed when she winks at them by the door.

"Thank you" he signs gratefully and she slides the door closed.

Dean turns and finds the man's eyes on him already, shiny with laughter. He's got a soft smile on and his cheeks are still slightly flushed. He's beautiful.

Dean's fingers itch to run through his disheveled hair.

"Hi there" Dean smirks, wriggling his eyebrows playfully. That gets him another smile from the angel.

"Good morning, Dean. Happy Birthday" he tells him, voice still hoarse with sleep.

Dean can't really help himself. He holds Cas' face in his hands and kisses him.

Their lips touch gently at first then the kiss grows more and more heated, tongues sliding together.

One of Dean's hands leaves his face and finds its way to his hair, happy to mess it up even more. Cas cups his jaw and brings him even closer.

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