Slouching Around (Plutia)

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Time for some slice of life stuff with Plutia, so this one is on the short side.

About you: You live in a small home and Plutia often comes round to visit you for naps every morning. You wonder if she likes you...


What a wonderful morning, the dawn of the new day has arrived, fake bird noises were tweeting online, someone's sleeping on you...wait a minute! Upon thinking that you were feeling something heavy on your chest, you opened your eyes to find someone sleeping on top of you. 

You looked down to see the culprit and she was someone you knew. This was Plutia, or Plutie as Neptune likes to call her, a CPU which you had the fortunate and unfortunate pleasure of meeting.

The former of which you thought was a cute girl who uses a plushie as her weapon and the latter for when you found out the disturbing truth. 

When transformed, she becomes Iris Heart, a sadist young woman with a desire to punish others. When you first saw her like that, you feared for your health. Fortunately, there were plenty of monsters that had you surrounded when you were out of Planeptune's city one day.

So whilst Iris Heart dealt with them, Purple Heart brought you back to Planeptune and after things settled down, you were properly introduced to the CPUs with Plutia back in her normal form. 

At first, you felt intimidated because of her HDD form, but for some reason, you found Plutia to be very cute and even blurted that out by accident. So ever since then, whenever you wake up each morning, Plutia is on top of you. Never on either side of the bed, although you couldn't complain about that in all honesty.

This had been going on for a week now and you believed that it was time to investigate on why she keeps sleeping with you every time you go to bed...and perhaps get a new lock for the front door and windows for security purposes. 

As you started moving gently and slowly, you moved Plutia off of you and she laid on her side. You were able to breathe easier now, so you turned around and sat up, stretching before figuring out what to do for breakfast.

"Nnnnnngh." You groaned before standing up and quickly changing into your day time clothes. When you were done, you heard a quiet yawn from your bed.

"Mmmm...morning, (Y/N)." Plutia said, rubbing her eyes. "Ahhh, I think I'm awake now."

"Good for you, Plutia." You sighed. "Did you sneak into my house again?"

She nodded. "Yeah, you're window was unlocked."

"My window, which one?"

She pointed to the window beside where you were standing. "Umm, that one."

"I see...huh? Wait, but that would mean?"

"Uh huh, I transformed so I could fly and take a nap on your bed."

You instantly shuddered, the thought of Plutia in HDD flying into your bedroom at night terrifies you, there's no telling what she would do to you.

D-d-does t-t-that m-mean..."

She giggled. "I didn't do anything to you last night, I just went to sleep when I fell on your bed."

Yeah, you had doubts about that, but chose to not mention it. "I do know I have to keep my house locked up and safe, right?"

"Huh, I know that, silly. But Neppy said that you keep your window unlocked so I could come over and sleep with you."

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