Phaze One

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*Walks down a hall* " Ok stay quiet it echo's like crazy in here.." Gladion whispered to alloma "this is kind of fun... Breaking out a pokemon in need, 2 spys on a mission." Alloma whispered. "You dream Too much and tha-" Gladion paused *looks at type: Null* ' type:Null does not deserve this mother... Gladion thought walking over to type: Null "Well we get you out... ok?" Alloma said to Type:Null "You guys alright?" Hau asked over the headset "Yea, but the problem is.... All of the codes that alloma is putting in are not working..." Gladion informed hau "Give me a moment.. Got it! I hacked the code" Hau said " Perfect, just perfect." gladion said with a relief. "Try and see if you can~Aah!" "Oh shit. Type:Null, no, don't do that to gladion, don't cut him, he isn't trying to harm you... Just calm down..." Alloma said walking over to type: null . "Hold on*Takes off some sorta Resist chain off of type: Null's body.* "wow, she's good..."Gladion whispered o that alloma did not hear him. *Gladion hears walking, almost like... high-heels...* "Someone's coming! Hide... there!" Gladion alerted alloma "ok." *Lusamine opens the door but gladion and Alloma were nowhere to be found*"Hello My Beautiful creation." Lusamine said, with faba standing behind her but it almost looked as if faba was holding a tranquilizer in his hands. *Faba walks over to Type: Null And shoots it with the tranquilizer dart* "Not only does this put you to sleep" Faba Paused."It puts Poison in you." Lusamine said walking out of the room with faba trailing behind her and closing the door. "What the hell just happened?!" Alloma asked gladion "Is type:Null ok?? Say it's ok gladion... Please" Gladion was shocked, not only did he care for type: Null, Alloma cared as well. "I-I-I*Sigh* I don't think so..." Gladion said "We have to get it out! I can't bare to see this poor innocent  pokemon be treated like this ANYMORE!!" Alloma said to gladion tearing up*Tries to pick type: Null up* "Let me help"Gladion said rushing over. *Gladion picks up type:Null as well and rushes out of the room and sneaks past the guards. and makes it outside* 

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