Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2

 Layla was very confused. She had expected something more like...a magical object or...maybe a box full of treasures. She all of a sudden heard Elenor roll around in her bed. This meant Elenor would be waking up soon; it was Elenor's turn to do the laundry.

I'm sorry mama, but i will have to break your promise to keep a promise. Layla remembered her mama telling her to never cross the line to Zolreaux. But her mama also made her promise that she will only  do things that she truly believes in, and not out of pity. Layla quickly pulled out a grey bag from her closet and packed it with a flashlight, a map and the three objects. She hesitated with the item that looked like a spider, but when she took  a close look at it, it was just a very spikey, black rock.

Just as Layla closed the box and tucked it back under Elenor's bed, Elenor woke up.

"Why are you awake so early?" Elenor questioned. She yawned and rubbed her still sleepy eyes.

"I'm just..." Layla looked for an excuse. If she told Elenor the truth, Elenor would want to come with her or tell the orphanage headmistress that Layla would be leaving and would never come back. Layla remembered what happened to 7 year old Catty. Just for going out for a little breeze to the backyard without finishing her chores, Catty was spanked and sent out to another orphanage. The last words of the headmistress to Catty was, "I don't want a lazy 7 year old with an ass as fat as pig living under my roof!"

"I'm...going out for a walk. Don't tell the headmistress though, please. I will be back by morning." And with that, Layla quietly ran to the kitchen, 'stole' a loaf of whole wheat bread the orphans refused to eat alongside with a bottle of water,  and ran out the door.


Layla slowed down her run to a jog to a quick walk to a walk. She couldn't afford to have the headmistress find out she was passing the gate to Zolreaux. And she wouldn't let her. 

After walking for a while, Layla spotted the little green hut Mr. Maumble lived in a few walking minutes away. The hut was located right beside the gate. She hummed a little tune her mama used to sing to her as she ripped little chunks of bread off the loaf.

As Layla got closer and closer to the guarded gate, she realized it would be difficult to get past Mr. Maumble, even with a worthy excuse. She grumbled at herself for not coming up with an excuse sooner, but as always, it was better now then never. She started to brainstorm a list of excuses to tell Mr. Maumble. 'I want to explore the natural vegetation in Zolreaux.' 'Oh look!!! My dog went in! I have to go get him!' 'I am here to book my birthday party with the magical creatures.'

Layla shook her head. All dumb excuses that won't even earn her a spot near the front of the morning washroom line. She decided her only hope was to look very desperate and sad, and if Mr. Maumble didn't let her through, she would have to wrestle that poor man.


Layla was now at the door step of the hut, at the doorstep of the invisible gate. She wasn't sure if it was just her imagination, but when she leaned towards the approximate area of where the gate is supposed to be located, she felt some kind of physical force that pushed her backwards.

"Who's there?" A voice asked. 

Layla jolted and looked around. Other than her messy, long brown hair flapping with the wind infront of her eyes, there was no one there. "Who are you?!" Her heart skipped a beat. "Where are you, don't hide from me! And tell me where Mr. Maumble is!"

"Over there," the voice told her. The wind blew and slapped the right side of her cheeks, causing her head to snap left.

"OUCH! That hurt you little...oh, hello Mr. Maumble!" Layla blushed with embaressment. Mr. Maumble really was standing 'over there'.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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