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                 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑡 ~ 𝐵𝑜𝑑𝑦

Once we got to the club, It was completely packed

I was beginning to wonder what time we would go in because the line was too long, but Jelse told me to trust her

"So how will you get us in Jelse" I asked as we walked towards the entrance

There was two bouncers at the door, Jelse walked straight to the one who was super tall, dark skin to sum it up he was hot

She shot him a smile and stepped closer to him then whispered something in his ear

I was beginning to think that's her boyfriend because it was very Obvious they were flirting with each other

"Come along bestie, time to have some fun" she said, I quickly followed her inside

As we enter the club it was packed with bodies rubbing onto each other, The music was so loud. There were red led lights

I followed jelse, once we got to the bar section we sat down

"Mario two shots of tequila for me and my bestie over here" Jelse said wrapping her arm around mine

"Isn't that too strong for starters?" I asked her, She giggled

"Girl please this is a club not a restaurant" she said waving me off

"Two shots of tequila for you lovely ladies" Mario said, placing the small glasses on the table

I shot him a smile as a thank you which he returned with a smirk

Mario was definitely cute, he has tattoos all over his body, sharp blue orbs with thick dark lashes and brunette hair which he styled as a faded cut

I grabbed my glass and quickly drank it as a whole. It ran down my throat

It burned so bad, It also sent a jolt of excitement through my body. I felt Jelse remove her arm from mine

"I'll be right back, I'm going to look for David" she said, I only nodded

I figured David was the name of her new boyfriend, I sat by the bar as I played with my glass

"Would like another round?" Mario asked with a smile

"No thank, do you have water?" I asked him, "Well you are no fun, but I'll get you, your water" he said

I began looking around, people were really enjoying themselves and here I am seated like the grandmother of the party

So I stood up and went to the dance floor, I began moving my body to the beat

Running my hands through my body as I moved my hips nice and slow, while my eyes were closed

I suddenly felt arms on my waist causing me to jump

"Relax baby it's just me" Jelse said, Causing me to release a breath of relief

"So where Is David? Did you find him?" I asked her as I looked around for him

"I'm right here sweetheart" a voice said behind me, causing me to have goosebumps. I turned around and to say I was shocked was an understatement

I looked at the handsome specimen in front of me

My lips felt dry, I had to lick them. He looked so ravishing, he had on dresses shirt which the first few buttons were unbuttoned till you could see his chest

And some formal pants, I looked to my side and Jelse had his blazer wrapped around her shoulders

She had on the biggest smile, I felt a pang of jealousy that she was with the hottest man alive

I was taken away from my daydream by someone clearing their throat

I looked at both of them and gave then a tight smile, "It is nice meeting you" I said extending my hand

He took it and bought it to his lips, once they connected to my hand I felt tingles down my spin

"Same here" he said with a smirk, I quickly retrieved my hand

"Uhm Excuse me while I go to the ladies" I said trying to escape this man before I do something stupid

"Just go straight and the door on you left" he said, "Thank you" I quickly said and walked away

Once I got to the bathroom i let out a breath i did not know i was holding

Looking at myself in the mirror, Why would he lie about his name, his Name is Dante bianchi not David

I suddenly heard the door close, I looked up and there he stood with his arms in his pocket,  "H-How did you, W-hat" I did not know what to say

He walked closer to me till I felt his body pressing on mine

"It is so nice seeing you again coffee lady" he said with a smirk

Our eyes were locked together as I looked at him through the mirror, he lowered his head. I felt the heat of his mouth on my shoulder

Sending shivers down my spin, He moved my hair to the side

I had my eyes on him before he could place his lips on my skin, He stopped with a frown. "What happened to your shoulder?"

Excuse my mistakes babies!

Everything will make sense soon, this is just the beginning.
Stay safe and blessed.xX
I love ya'll ❤

Daily reminder : You can do it❤

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