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Draco shuts the door behind you as he sits you down into the booth. All he does is wrap his arms around you and aloud you to sob into his arms. He has never had to comfort you like this. This has never happened he doesn't know what he's doing.

"It's going to be ok,princess" he says sighing. "Will your father hear about this" you say laughing mocking him. "Your father will hear about this" he says pronouncing every word clearly. He looks down to see you staring at him. "You ok?" He says concerned. "Yeah, MY father will no nothing" you say fast. "Well of course my lady" he says mocking you. "Trust me he's not!" you say overly pronouncing the 'not'. "Yes, yes he is y/n,  Tom Riddle would like to know if his daughter Is in a toxic relationship". He says looking down at you in his deep,cold voice. All you do is roll you eyes and hand him his book. "Continue" you add "your wish is my command" he tells you while winking. You snuggle your head back into his shoulder. You completely forgot what just happened all your worry's went away with him.

It completely passed your mind that Draco had stopped reading. His voice was just playing in your head like a song that you just can't stop singing.

You look out the window and see that you are coming to a stop. But your mind had come to a stop what was I thinking! "Am I catching feelings for Draco?" You day in your head. You take your head up of his shoulder and sit up straight. "You alright princess?" Draco says. All you do is smile. He knows something is on your mind and all he does his pull you back into his embrace. You sink into him and feel calm again, you feel home, like this is your peace.

"Right, you can get off me now" he says laughing. "Come on I'm not being last to get off this stupid train". You roll your eyes and start to sit up. The train cams to a stop and you got up.Trying to get right to the exit and not have anything to do with Cedric.

You feel someone grab your wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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