This is a Steven Universe jourbey like series, inspired by Pokeplushman and his amazing story, Light of the Universe. Onto the plot, this story is about human scientists studying Gems on Homeworld, where several Diamonds run the planet, dividing it into sectors. In the middle, the scientists are trying out an experiment to nring gems and humankind together by inserting poofed gemstones inside of newborn human babies, they may not have theur memories, but they have their powers. One of the children, a girl named Willow, who had a single gem Rhodonite inside her belly button, lives a life with her friends in the sector. On the day of her 13th birthday, she discovers a mysterious small pink gem shard, getting the attention of everyone around her. When a mysterious force arises, the shards are needed to restore peace to stop the force, it's up to Willow and her friends to find the shards and reunite the Diamonds.