they know.....

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'what happened to you bakugou... '

'are you okay at home?... '


"Oi chicken wings! " katsuki shouted out for a certain person called Ryuuki

"my name is Ryuuki, and wings does not look like chicken wings! " Ryuuki said offended

"whatever" katsuki said bluntly

"anyways you sure the kids would be okay walking back to school by themselves? " katsuki asked,worried about his younger siblings

"dont worry, if they're lost, I'll just teleport them back here" Ryuuki said, leaning beside the kitchen counter

"Hm" katsuki hummed, although he's still worried about them

Ryuuki and katsuki were going to open the cafe soon so they have to teach the kids to walk home by themselves

The youngers school is not that far from their new house, just gotta walk pass three to five more stores and you have arrived at your destination

Pretty close right? But considering to bakugou, the protective older brother who would do anything to make his only family member happy, still worried about them

He still didn't forget the incidents of his parents death, lies about their parents to the younger ones, the calm face his parents made when he see the lifeless like they really wanted to die, the burden, the stress, the urge to cut or hurt himself somehow got caught by his only friend who understood him, the fact that the truth would come out and people would call him weak and blame him for his mothers death, the fact that the kids would finally know about the real reason their parent arent here anymore and get hated because of lying to them. All of this made the blond over think about everything

He knows that one day natsu and tatsu gonna find out eventually and hate him for lying to them

Katsuki's thoughts got cutted off by his friend calling his name





Ryuuki yelled finally taking the blonds attention

"what!!!" katsuki asked, pissed by the half haired coffee coloured male

"you were spacing out" Ryuuki said

"oh... " katsuki replied

"really? Just an 'oh'? What were you thinking anyway? " Ryuuki asked

"nothing to important, *sigh* i wonder what would they react if they know the truth about my parents being dead and not on a business trip... " katsuki said sadly before looking at the figures behind him wide eyes

"what.... Do you mean katsu-nii.... " natsuki asked wide eyes

"y-yeah... " tatsuki asked tears in his eyes that haven't came out of his eyes yet

"n-natsu, tats-su.... " katsuki was speechless, he didnt know what to say.

Ryuuki realized this and start to take control for a second, knowing that the blond probably dont have the urge or know what to say

"im sorry guys.... "katsuki said being controlled by his friend wgich he didn't mind

"its okay but can you please tell us the truth... Please? ....." tatsuki plead

"o-okay.... " katsuki replied hesitated a bit

He hesitated for a while before taking a deep breath and start explaining about their parents death

"so.... Your saying.... That mama and papa are actually... D-dead? " natsuki asked tears dropping from her bottom eyelids

Katsuki just nodded

"O-oh..." tatsuki said looking down

Katsuki felt sorry for them, they shouldn't feel like this at a young age, he felt like its his fault for not being strong enough

Suddenly he feels two pairs of hands around his neck and torso.
It was his siblings arm, they were hugging him crying saying that their sorry that they were to dumb to know about these things

Katsuki just smiled and hugged them back and silently let a tear drops from his bottom eyelids

But someone had to ruin the moment of course

"heyyyyy i want a hug tooo" Ryuuki whined

"wow, way to ruin the moment" katsuki said sarcastically before opening a space for them all to hug each other and cuddled

(i forgot to say that they are in the living room which connects to the kitchen)


Katsuki was the first one who wakes up and goes to the kitchen, but before he do that, he looked at the clock saying -6:40-

'damn we've been sleeping that long? And natsu and tatsu haven't even showered yet' katsuki thought to himself

He goes to the living room once more and woke up the younger ones to go clean themselves

"natsu... Tatsu... Hey wake up... " katsuki whisper yelled

"mmmhhmm... " natsuki and tatsuki groans

Katsuki just chuckled at their cuteness

"come on, you guys havent even showered since the tume you got home from school and you guys stink as hell-" katsuki said

"hey! " tatsuki pouted and so is natsuki

"ne katsu-nii.... " tatsuki spoke up

"hmm? " katsuki hummed

"we love you, you are all the big bro and parent that we could've ever asked for" natsuki and tatsuki added

Katsuki eyes widened and a smile creeps its way, making katsuki smiling widely

"thank you..... I love you guys too" katsuki said hugging them

Suddenly a sniff was heard by the three of them making them all looked at the couch

"t-that was s-so *sniff* beautiful!!" Ryuuki said between his cries

They all just laughed at Ryuuki's stupidity

"alright, enough talking now you guys go clean yourselves amd you, help me in the kitchen " katsuki said in a motherly voice

"fine 'mom' " Ryuuki said before snickered

"good- HEY! " katsuki yelled after realizing what Ryuuki just said

"im not a mom! " katsuki said crossing his arms

"um.... You kinda are katsu-nii! " tatsuki shouted



Aye aye tell a shortie c'mere-
Anyways another one done
Sorry for the late update btw-
I have a lot of homework but maybe I'll get to make another chapter cuz i have no school tomorrow!

(952 words not including this)



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