Cat [oneshot thingy]

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"Tennis Ball!" TB looked over to GB, who was grinning. "It's ready to be tested!" TB smiled and walked over next to Golf Ball. "What are you gonna test it on?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "This ball right here!" GB pulled out a blue and white soccer ball. "If this works, it should turn this ball into a cat!" She placed the ball into the chamber and closed the glass door. "TB, you should stay back. I'll stay closer to observe, and also press the button, but I will take the proper safely measures!" Golf Ball opened a cupboard, pulling out and putting on a few things that would protect her. She wasn't really expecting anything to go wrong, so she was rather careless putting the gear on.

She looked at TB, a smile of determination on her face. She pressed the button, and the chamber started to fill with a strange color light. TB diverted his eyes, as the light was getting too bright for him, but GB stayed relatively close, but not as close as before. The glass door cracked at the edge. "..oh that's not goo-" the room filled almost entirely with light and a small trace of a scent. TB's rather desperate voice could be heard from across room. "Golf Ball?? Are you alright??" He shouted, squeezing his eyes shut.

The light faded away. TB opened his eyes slowly. GB was sitting on the floor. "Golf Ball!" He ran over to her, quickly realizing something off. She looked up, her new cat ears also rising to point up at the ceiling. "..huh? What happened?" She opened her eyes. TB stared at her, not responding. "TB? Did the ball turn into a cat? Did the machine break? Are you ok?" After a few more seconds, TB shook his head. "S-sorry, Golf Ball. Uh.. I don't know. He turned to the chamber and hesitantly placed his foot on the handle, then slid it open. He looked down. "..huh." He looked down at the ball, still inanimate, on the floor. "What is it TB? Did something happen?" TB looked at Golf Ball. "It just has cat ears." He rolled the ball out with his foot, it's ears flattening against the cold floor of the lab as it rolled over the top and back onto its side. "That's weird." She got up and walked towards the ball, her tail lifting up from the ground and pointing up behind her. "Oh, and I should tell you.." Tennis Ball began.

"You.. have cat ears too.." TB awkwardly smiled. Golf Ball stood in shock. "..I do?" She eventually let out in a faint voice. She sharply turned towards the chamber door and focused on it, seeing her reflection, which did indeed have cat ears. She turned to look at her tail. "Whoah..." she steadily spun around, looking at her newfound tail. TB blushed at the sight, thinking it was cute. He laughed a little, which brought GB back to reality, and she looked at him. "What's so funny?" She said in a slightly sour tone. "Sorry, hehe." TB smiled, his face still tinted red. "Whatever TB, we should find out how this happened so I can fix the machine. And also how to get rid of them! There's no way anyone can see me like this. How could they ever take me seriously when I'm a.. a catgirl?!" Golf Ball shouted, walking over to a clear counter, except for a few papers. GB yawned, climbing onto a stool by the counter and opening one of the cupboard doors above it.

"Golf Ball, it's like, midnight. We should go to sleep." Tennis Ball said, urging GB to go to bed. "..fine TB. I'll rest. But there's no promises I'll sleep!" She harshly shut the cupboard door. TB sighed. "Alright, GB." Golf Ball scuttled over to the living room, her ears against her head. Tennis Ball smiled and that same blush warmed up his face again. He decided to follow GB into the room and gently sat down next to her on the couch, where she had curled up in a blanket, her ears still down. She watched TB sit down, not saying anything. She dug her face into the blanket, her mouth and nose now not visible. Under it, she smiled. Her eyes grew heavy, and she leaned on TB, not realizing it. Tennis Ball chuckled quietly, and wrapped his leg around Golf Ball, pulling her closer, like in for a hug. GB noticed, but didn't want to protest. She liked the attention. She melted into his hug and started purring. TB blushed and whispered "hehe, aww" to himself, but apparently not quiet enough, because shortly after he heard GB say "shut up." And she snuggled angrily into him.

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