22 | Save me from a nightmare

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"Caroline, go to sleep. It's no use staying awake now only because you're mad with us."
Joseph remarked while I was sitting in front of the bonfire with a blanket around me.

Kakyoin laid asleep inside his sleeping bag while the others also wanted to head to sleep already. Only I decided to stay awake.

"I will go to sleep soon. Don't worry about me please."
I replied swiftly before approaching where Kakyoin lied.

Joseph yawned before lying down on his sleeping bag without concern.

I looked at Jotaro, Polnareff and Joseph from the corner of my eyes before summoning my Stand.

I tended to believe Kakyoin. Since I didn't know what the baby's Stand abilities were and Kakyoin was knocked out, I was cautious around it.

Also, who knows, maybe the other three wanted to do something to Kakyoin or me when we would be asleep, adding just another reason to why I summoned White Snow.

All three men had their eyes closed, not fearing for anything to happen at all.

I sighed in frustration while sitting down next to Kakyoin.

Why did the others believe a baby more than Kakyoin, our friend? Sure, a baby symbolises innocence, but why would Kakyoin psyche out because of one?

Maybe, if they believed us, furthermore Kakyoin, only a little bit and paid a little attention to the baby, they would have noticed it's weirdness, too.

But they chose to call Kakyoin insane, not believing him nor me.

I glanced at the basket from the corner of my eyes only to find the baby staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"You might be a Stand user, but I'm sure you are pretty much defenceless once I would strangle you. Luckily, you're still only a baby."
I muttered loud enough for the baby to hear, causing it to slowly lie back down into his basket.

I turned back to Kakyoin who was still sleeping soundlessly, leading me to pull my knees against my chest to lie my head down on them.

I thought we were a group that trusted each other instead of mistrusting each other and even blaming one another.

Apparently, I was wrong. And I felt stupid for it. I knew trusting others in just a few weeks would backlash. I put my hopes up only to disappoint myself.

I sighed upon closing my eyes, accidentally drifting away.

I opened my eyes after seemingly a few seconds, but instead of finding myself in the desert, I found myself in a weird amusement park.

"Oh, Caroline?"
Kakyoin's voice resounded behind me, leading me to turn around.

We were sitting on a carousel in a giant teacup.

"Where are we? Is this.. a dream?"
I asked him before looking at my hands.

"This is a dream, but it's not your dream. This is the Stand's world."
"What? What do you mean? A Stand's dreamworld?"
"When you fall asleep, the baby's Stand pulls you into their nightmare dreamworld to finish you off."

"Now that you mention it, it would be weird for us two to share a dream. So this is the Stand's ability.."
"You can't summon your Stand in this world. But since I fell unconscious with my Stand extracted, my Stand is in this world as well."

"Well, you're not alone. I had White Snow out when I fell asleep. Means only the other three are left without one in this place."
"Smart of you. Look, they're over there."

Kakyoin pointed at something behind me, leading me to turn around.

A little bit further away, there were Jotaro, Polnareff and Joseph standing in front of a weird figure with a scythe.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now