Season 2 - Chapter 1 (EN)

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The streets of New York are so beautiful! 

They swarm with people at any time of the day. I like to wander through the city.

I feel like it changes appearance according to my moods. When I'm sad, New York City becomes gloomy, noisy and oppressive.

When I'm happy, the city feels fresh, beautiful and bright.

As I make my way over to Matt's, the city is like a color chart. The last three months have turned my world upside down.

My relationship with Matt isn't easy. We both have our demons and our past which prevent us from moving forwards serenely.

I can't ever be sure of anything with him. I'm always walking on eggshells and with every step forward we take two steps back.

Ordinarily, I would never have gotten so involved with such a tortured guy, a guy so tortured by his past. But Matt is no ordinary guy, he's exceptional.

The kind who's worth fighting for.

Without realizing, I've started walking more quickly. Matt is a source of motivation. Imagining me in his arms pushes me to step up the pace.

My relationship with Matt is similar to the way I walk through New York: intense, hectic, exhausting.

Obstacles pop out of nowhere. I have to bypass them or face them in order to keep moving forward.

It doesn't frighten me.

I am resolute and my taste for challenge is an asset, even in love.

The more Matt closes up, the more I want to dig through that outer shell to find out more.

I like mysterious men. The shadow that's in them is attractive. Nothing is more boring than a man who's too smooth.

And then there's Daryl ...

(How come Daryl's always popping into my head whenever I think of Matt?)

Maybe because I know that Daryl harbors the hope of one day being in his brother's shoes.

We straightened things out together. He's proved to be a very valuable friend. I would never have thought that of him a few months ago!

And to be honest, I'm not sure Matt appreciates how close his brother and I have become.

I'd understand.

Even if things are clear to me, I know that Daryl won't drop it. He's one of those men who never give up.

And Matt knows his brother well enough to know that too.

In any case, I'm not likely to get bored with either of them. They're a fine pair...

As I sigh, lost in my thoughts, I realize that I'm already standing at the foot of Matt's building.

In the store window, across the street, I quickly brush my hair, taking a deep breath. My hands are moist and my pulse is accelerating.

Is he gonna like the way I look?

I glance at my reflection in the window, trying to reassure myself.

My heart bangs hard in my chest as I knock on his door.

I hear his deep voice through the door.

"If it's a door-to-door sales rep, I'm not interested. If it's a princess then... maybe."

I smile on hearing him call me princess. I move closer to the door and put on a suave voice.

"It might well be a princess who's come prospecting."

"This sounds interesting! "

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