Beastmen among humans

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In metropolis we see everyone gathered together as a festival was seen as everyone was enjoying the festival as six girls were seen going through the booths

In metropolis we see everyone gathered together as a festival was seen as everyone was enjoying the festival as six girls were seen going through the booths

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Blonde: Did you guys hear? There's been a rumor going around that an assassin has been seen in metropolis

Red head: Really? I thought those were just myths.

Blonde: No this one is real alright.

Girl in green: Kara have you actually seen this so-called Assassin?

Kara: No, but I heard rumors about it Jessica.

Jessica: Like what?

Kara: He only hurts very very bad people and gives what he steals from them to the poor people of the city he is in.

Jessica: Ok.

Then Jessica bumped into a boy with white hair.

Jessica: Oh sorry about that.

She then noticed tears were running down his face

Jessica: Hey are you ok? What's wrong?

Boy: Only witnessing the sight of people filled with joy and happiness.

Redhead: I'm guessing where you come from there isn't a whole lot of that huh?

Boy: No, there was only those who would harm the innocent.

Girl with purple hair: Maybe Kara's imaginary assassin could pay that place a visit!

And the girl starts laughing as Jessica looks at the boy.

Jessica: Well I'm Jessica by the way.

Dimitri: Dimitri.

Babs: Hi I'm Babs and the girl rolling on the ground clutching her sides is Zee.

Dimitri: I noticed.

Karen: I'm Karen. and over there is Kara, and Diana.

Dimitri: Hmm.

Kara: Hmm? what's "Hmm"?

Dimitri: It is only a reply. I must... LOOK OUT!

Then they saw a screen falling down as Dimitri then picked Jessica up and ran at incredible speed getting her out of the way.

Jessica: Uh... Thanks.

Dimitri: No problem.

Dimitri then looked at the destroyed area as he closed his eyes as he then got a vision of the scent of a man who was planting a bomb at the beams.

Dimitri: *Opens his eyes* I must go.

Jessica: Um ok.

He then put Jessica down and walked off as the others came to her

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