My First Day At Burbank High

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"Make it a great day, and seniors please remember, pictures must be taken by this Monday!" The guy on the intercome said with a monotone voice.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new student Karachie. Karachie, tell us about you!" My english teacher Mrs. Monomersaid.
"Well, I lived here in Cali since I was seventeen, and I moved up to Ohio for a year because he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I decided to live with him because I knew that he was barely gonna make it for another year. After his death I moved back here to live with my mom again." I smiled.
"I'm so sorry." A girl sitting next to me with pink hair said.
"Aha it's okay..he's living better now." I smiled.
"What a nice attitude you have! And before when you lived here, did you gl to this school?" Mrs. Monomer asked.
"Nahhh, I went to a private school right on the coast.." I replied.
"Why'd you decide to go here?" A cute kid asked me. He
"Well, I just wanted to try new things." He smiled as I replied. He's got a very cute smile, and dressed very nice.
"We are glad that you are here with us now though!" Mrs. Monomer smiled and continued. "But as you know senior year is your biggest! Any college offers? You play any sports?"
"Ugh yeah! I have an offer from Ohio state and University of California! And I play travel lacrosse."
"Sweet have you made a decision? Signed any papers?" She asked.
"I think I'm gonna go with University of California..." I replied.
"Well awesome ! So is August!" She pointed to the cute boy and he winksd at me. "He's going on a football scholarship. Full paid scholarship!"
"That's awesome, congrats." I smiled and he smiled back.
For the rest of class August and I peeked at eachother a couple times and he cracked a few funny jokes and we laughed together. I like him..he's cute, well dressed, good sense of humor...
"So can I like get your number?" He asked as we walked out the classroom at the sound of the bell.
"Sure!" he handed me his phone and I put it in.
"And what lunch you got?"
"Lunch B."
"You wanna sit with me and my squad? I gotta let em know I got dibs fore they see you!" He laughed. So did I. "I'm playin, I respect you too much to call dibs."
"Aha thanks." I blushed. "But yeah ofcourse I would love to.
"Great. I'll text you." August smiled then hugged me. I hugged him back. His hug felt good.
The bell dismissing us to lunch rang. I checked my phone.

Sms: 7723333333:
its August, meet me in front of the cafe bring that beautiful smile 😘

I smiled, then saved him into my contacts.
"Wassup girl?" He said as he pulled me into a hug. "Lemme show you the squad." We started walking toward a table full of black boys and a couple white boys who looked like they just wanted to fit in.
"Yall, this Karachie, Karachie this the squad." I smiled as he had his right arm rapped around my neck.
"Wassup I'm Chancie." Said a dark, buff boy. He had a very nice smile. I smiled back and said hey.
"I'm Aubrey..but they call me Drake." Said a very cute light skin kid. He had a goregous smile. "Wanna buy my mixtape?" He smiled.
"Boy shut up sheon want that garbage! But I'm Keon." We all laughed. Keon was tall, light skin with pretty eyes.
"Yall hungry?" Said a kid with dreds as he offered us pizza from a stack of Dominos Pizza boxes.
"Fa sure man!" August reached and grabbed a piece.
"Nah I'm straight, but thanks." August grabbed my hand and leaded me to two open seats at the table.
"Squad's cool right?" He winked.
"Yeaah, they cool." I laughed a little and so did he.
"Whatchu doin tonight? Can I take you out?" August grabbed both my hands. He's such a cutie.
"I would freaking love that!" I smiled. So did he.
"Great so I got football afterschool till like five, then imma go home and take a shower, cuz I gotta be fresh for my bae if you feel me, and you can text me your adress, and I'll be there at 6:30." August asked as he looked into my eyes. HOW COULD I SAY NO?!
"Sounds wonderful!" I smiled.
"Okay!" He kissed my cheek and for the rest of lunch we all laughed and roasted on eachother and played around. I met wven more of Augusts' squad, there's gotta be at least twenty guys! August and I held hands and he gave me a couple piggy-back rides.

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