truth or dare

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3rd person pov
There were just a few of the older kids at my cabin we decided to go there to play truth or dare there were the 7 plus will and neco the stolls katy gardener calipso. "So who will go first" asked piper "me me me" sead leo waving his hand around like herminy "um hazle truth or dare" sead leo with an evil grin on his face " dare" sead haze with doubt in her voice "I dare you to do 7 minutes in alesium" sead leo hazles face went red so did Frank's

After they got into  the closet frank kissed hazle and picked her up because she was shorter than him then started to kiss down her neck he hit her sweet spot and she moaned frank smiled becuse he had never herd her do that hazle was relly nervous at first but then got used to it and suddenly her shirt was off and frank was kissing down her chest and her stomach she took his shirt off and traced his perfectly defined abs with her finger then suddenly neco came in and screamed and covered his eyes on fear then he ran out and went to join the others frank and hazle quickly got dressed and ran out to join the others when they got back they were all just staring at them

"Sooooo what happened" sead leo   suppressing a laugh "it dose not matter now" sead frank an angry look on his face "ok now hazle who is next" sead Annabeth "Jason truth or dare" sead hazle "um dare" he sead "I dare you to strike the arries and aphrodity cabins with lightning and then wait out side them" sead hazle "YOU ARE GOING TO GET ME KILLED" sead Jason but with a defiant sigh he walked out side once every one was hidden in a bush he called on lightning and struck the two cabins we heard screames coming from both and then the two doors swung open both cabins came out and saw Jason drew and clares came out weapons in hand both cabins chased him around  camp until they swor they would get revenge Jason had cuts and bruses all over him but after some ambrosia and nectar he was mostly fine at least physically it was mentally stressful to be chased around camp he stated.
After that incident it was his turn to ask so he asked percy "truth or dare percy " Jason asked "truth" he said "is it true that you kissed Rachel" "yes" he mumbled "what was that " Annabeth sead anger in her eyes a little louder he sead "yes" Annabeth started to run out of the cabin to probably go beat the living haddes out of her but it took all of there strength and a few kisses from percy to keep her in the cabin then the dinner bell rang and they decided to keep playing that night.

All of the amazing characters belong to uncle rick
Pls comment truth or dares and pls vote  thx see you all next time 😘

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