The House Of Revenge

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                Chapter 1.

"Okay let's start". We were playing truth or dare on the first of October. It was a risky thing and I didn't know if we should do it. " Guys after we should play hide and seek in that abandoned house. No One's ever done that, they're all too scared to go into the home. Legend says that an old man lived there and he went home after a long day of work to find his wife in a bloody mess with her head cut off, dead as a doornail. He didn't go to work the next day, or the next, or the next, or the next. Everyone was scared and wondered what happened to him. A week later the cops went to his door only to find it open. They creeped in and found his wife dead but not his fingerprints, then they went to his room and he had hung himself. Everyone was surprised and no one has entered the house since. That was 30 years ago. Oh! I totally forgot to tell you who i am. My name is Rosemary. I am 12 years old and have curly, black hair and I am always wearing tights and a t- shirt. If you want to find me I will be in a library. I mean it doesn't matter really, I love scary stuff. " I don't think we should play hide and seek there. Did you hear that the reason these people died is because the house is controlled by evil ghosts and if you walk on the premises you die!" Sarah said. Sarah is the person who tries to scare everyone. She has straight brown hair and always wears a long sleeve and jeans. She is 13 and is my closest friend. You can find her in city hall. Then there's sam. He's scared of everything and Sarah loves scaring him. He has short sandy blonde hair and is usually in a t- shirt and jeans and loves games. Not scary of course. You can see him in eb games. Then there's seth. He has short dirty brown hair that goes off to the side. He usually has a hat on and a hoodie and sweats. He is my boyfriend. And we do everything together. "Okay fine we won't go to the house." I said sadly. The Next morning I heard terrible news. Sarah was walking home and had to cross over the lawn of the dead man's house and the police found her with her head chopped off and blood everywhere. Her parents were devastated and so was i. We went to her funeral and didn't talk for three months. The next time we talked we decided to not speak of her not because we hated her but because we were too sad to speak about her. We were going to play a game where we escaped the haunted house. " I can't play this." I say. "Why not" they asked me. " That's how and where she died." they agreed with me and we decided to go to the trampoline park instead. We were devastated and didn't know what to do. Can you blame us? I decided that the only way we could move on was to find the people who murdered Sarah and I find that is the only way I could live with myself. I tell the rest of my friends this and we decide we will start looking right away. We went to the scene and were surprised to see that the police weren't there investigating it. Nore was there any police tape just her blood. "That's weird?" I say confused. Something was wrong. At every other crime scene you can't even hear yourself think. It was a creepy quiet. Like a living soul was ever there. We felt uneasy and thought that we should just wait for the next day and we wrote a note and Sam put it on Sarah hoping that she would get it. We were about to go home when we heard a creepy voice say " you won't get away with this'' we quickly looked back. It sounded like it came from the house. We all ran back home. We were petrified. The next day we went back to the scene and found the note missing. We didn't see any footprints on the grass so i was very scared. We spent the day doing research on people who died by beheading. The most famous was Juan Carlos, who killed over 78 million people. I was absolutely baffled. We decided to go home and do some research and share what we did the next morning. The next day his parents find hanging from their ceiling fan. None other than our poor sam. Our only person who helped us with homework, studying, and didn't mind if we bugged him but our poor sam. I didn't know what to say. I just stayed home and cried until I was dry. We went to his funeral and went straight home. Me and Seth didn't talk for days upon days. We were devastated and didn't go to each other afraid that the other would die. I did research and my parents kept pestering me and telling me to go to bed at 3:00 in the morning. They didn't know what I was going through. They would never know.

Chapter 2.

I woke up in a basement, and it wasn't mine. It was creepy and everything was decaying. It was dark and there was someone in every corner. There were shelves filled with human and animal parts.I was heading over to one corner and as I caught closer I reconsidered as I saw what it was. I screamed a piercing scream. " AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" . It was a decayed skeleton. Someone came up behind me and held me close. I screamed again. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" he whispered in my ear. " shh it's me." oh how i was so glad to hear his voice. " How did we get here?" I asked. " i don't know," he told me. We got up and moved to the stairs but when we got there we found the stairs were old and I stepped on one and it broke in half. "Well we're not getting out of here", he said. " thanks for the confidence". I say back. "I'll find a way out". I start looking around looking for a window at the least. I saw light and moved one of the shelfs. And there was a window big enough to fit both of us out. "I'll go first", I say. He lifts me up and I push the window open. I start to go out. I'm almost out, i think to myself. And then I get pushed back in and I fall on top of him. I sit up quickly and here someone laugh. " hahahahah" "was that you"? I ask seth. "No it wasn't, I don't have that deep of a voice yet." "oh ya i guess so". Well I guess we're doing this the hard way, I thought. I went to the stairs and looked up. I was scared, and I didn't know what to do, or what I was doing. I put my foot on the second step since the first was gone. I lifted myself up and expected to hear a crack, but moved on when I didn't hear one. Seth came up behind me and asked what I was doing. I felt forward and climbed higher and higher. Finally I was at the top and opened the door. " AAAAAAAHHHHH"! I fell back and swung the door closed. I Tumbled down the stairs as I heard them crack. I sat up shaking. Seth ran over saking what happened. " There are all the missing and dead people who died and no one found the killer. They all got killed by the house. I just put it together. They either walked on the lawn or they went into the house. The men are hanged and the women are beheaded. The house is the killer", I stammered. "Well well well, look at that someone finally figured it out honey." "well i wonder what to do with them now"? "Lets let them get out and see if those people will believe them". We went to the stairs and climbed up the banister. I opened the door and jumped up. I waited for Seth and we slowly made our way to the door. We burst out and ran to my house. I tried to tell my parents but they didn't believe me. We kept it to ourselves and never spoke of it. We're just glad that we figured out who the killer is and hope that they forgive us. Now it's time to live out life alone.

The End . 

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