11. Unwanted Longing

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"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." (Khalil Gibran)

He should be more excited.

No, that's not correct. A normally constituted person should be terrified at the prospect of leaving the castle and facing some unknown dangers.

That's why Nassiba looked like she was on the verge of regurgitating her way too heavy breakfast. The chubby guy next to them - Akira, was it? - was now so pale, Zephyr's ass probably looked tanned in comparison.

Wow, that was a really disturbing image, especially after the kiss they had shared the night before.

Stop. Zephyr's ass wasn't something he should be thinking about. Especially not right now, when they were about to start their first mission, and Akhenaton was giving them his instructions.

What if Master Akhenaton could read his thoughts, and discover that Fayez had been trying to determine the exact color of his boyfriend's ass? He couldn't help but snicker as he tried to picture Akhenaton's reaction.

That would be hilarious. Fayez's fun would surely be short-lived, but that would definitely be worth it. Anything to piss the arrogant prefect off.

Fayez, contrary to most of the other rookies here, wasn't feeling anxious about the mission. The reason was that after kissing the blond vampire at the party, he had been too agitated to get any sleep.

In consequence, he was now too tired to even care about his soon-to-happen death - a concept that supernatural creatures, unsurprisingly, found difficult to grasp. Still, they were all aware that a painful ending wasn't something to look forward to.

"Alright, guys, the rules are pretty simple, so even the dumbest among you should be able to follow them." Akhenaton suddenly declared, his eyes briefly flitting to Fayez, who tightened his fists against his sides at the implied insult.

That bastard.

Also, why did Akhenaton have to look so hot in a simple black jumpsuit, with his hair tied in a thick braid that danced against his back everytime he moved? Fayez was also convinced the reason the prefect had put some black eyeliner was because the coquettish Zephyr had begged him to do so. The result was certainly impressive, the make up sublimating Akhenaton's piercing brown eyes.

"Rule number one: closely follow Prefect Saphos' students. Rule number two: make sure nobody from the city notices you. Prefect Saphos' s students shouldn't be left unsupervised at any time." Akhenaton ordered, his voice suddenly solemn, as he looked closely at his students to make sure they were all aware of the importance of this mission.

When he was sure he had everyone's attention, he then motioned them to follow him, which they did in an absolute silence and obedience.

Fayez gasped, then turned to Nassiba, as the eight other new recruits hurriedly went after Master Akhenaton.

"What? Is he serious? That's all the information he is going to disclose about this mission? Follow Saphos' s students? What's even the point? We have to follow students from our own Institute now? This is beyond ridiculous"

"I have no clue, but we better not question Master Akhenaton's orders, if we want to remain under his command" Nassiba advised him sternly, as if she could sense that Fayez was feeling rebellious. "I'm sure Prefect Saphos has been informed about it and that it has an importance we're not aware of just yet"

"Aggh, fine, Mrs Goody two shoes"

"Now, let's follow them quickly, or they will leave the castle without us and our participation in this mission will end before it even began"

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