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(Y/n) stared at the door, labeled administrator, nerves on edge like it was her first day of kindergarten. She was the new girl here, interacting with people was one of her talents, so she didn't know why she was so nervous. But there was this feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her these people might be different, for some odd reason.

Pushing the feeling aside she grabbed the door knob and stepped into the office. Glancing around, the office was normal, certificates on the walls and trinkets identifying the administrators personality. The desk and chair was nothing but ordinary, so now she felt silly for being nervous.

No one was in the office with her, which she thought weird, for she had an appointment at this time to fill out her college transfer papers. Since no one was here she decided to look around the office some more, moving to the shelf first. Books were organized from A-Z but the titles confused her quite a bit.

'Arts of Summoning a Demon'
'Witch Potions for Beginners'

The one that caught her eye the most was the book labeled 'Vampire Bloodlust'. She placed her hand around the hard bridge and opened it to a random page. Her eyes fell on one paragraph and a slight blush formed while she read.

"When a vampire bites it's victim they inject a drug like substance to keep the victim from escaping. There have been reports as to the victims reaching a state of euphoria and even orgas—

(Y/n) hurriedly closed the book before continuing the rest of that sentence, heat reaching the back of her ears, blushing. She placed the book in its original stop and continued to scan the rest of the genres, most seem to be about mythical creatures. Maybe the administrator liked mythology or something. Once more her eyes fell on another title that sounded interesting.

'A Werewolf's change'

Again opening the book to a random page, (y/n) began to read.

"Night of a full moon is the worst time to be around any werewolf, for those changes can be very gruesome and painful. The body will break its own bones in order to morph into their correct shape, then heal instantly. Once the change is over, the person is no longer in control of their actions, it's all werewolf instincts and they will kill anyone they see"

The hair on (y/n)'s arm stood, not from reading the paragraph but indicating someone was in the room with her. Swiftly turning her head, there was a man standing by the door. How? She didn't hear the door open nor his footsteps.

"Enjoying my good reads miss (L/n)?"

His voice was deep, and dreamy but that wasn't the reason why she couldn't respond. On top of this mans head were horns, and on his back looked like wings. (Y/n) rubbed her eyes thinking maybe there was dust stuck in her corneas and that was the source of her seeing things, but once her hands were by her side, the horns were still there.

"um sir I think there is something stuck on your head?" (Y/n) instantly regretted her response, what if it was a medical condition and she just pointed it out? "Sorry that was a horrible response"

The horned man brushed it off and continued on.
"Don't worry about it, you aren't seeing things. These are in fact horns, now have a seat."

"Oh okay"

(Y/n) sat down in the chair and waited for the man to sit in front of her. She placed her hands in her lap and started to mess with her cuticles, an anxiety habit she just now formed.

"So miss (L/n) here is the paperwork we need so you can start classes next week. Read this first page. It's. Very. Important."

The instructions were clear so (y/n) followed them, reading the first page thoroughly. It was all about what to do if a vampire bites you,  to werewolves about to attack or when witches don't now how to fix a spell they placed on you. A puff of air exited her nose, an attempt to laugh.

"This can't be true right? There's no such thing of these creatures mentioned?." A forced smile placed on (y/n)'s face but when she glanced at the horned man there was no emotion showing. She dropped the smile and sat quietly. "This isn't a joke?"

"No miss (L/n) everything you are reading is true. I should start over and probably introduce myself properly." He readjusted and looked right into (y/n)'s eyes. "My name is Lucifer, I'm a demon and I work as the administrator here at this college. You are the only human here so it's also my duty to keep you safe if anything happens."

(Y/n) gulped. "The only human? Were the others eaten or something? Because I don't want to be, be eaten I actually like my life how it is sir. And-"

"Enough, you are rambling. There aren't any humans here because we didn't accept them. However, I need these creatures to be comfortable around you, for the sake of humanity." Lucifer paused. "So you could say you are an experiment."

"Oh that makes me feel a little better. So I have you to protect me of anything goes wrong?"

"Yes miss (L/n), myself and my six younger brothers." Lucifer smile slightly at the mention of his brothers. "You'll be safe here."

Before the conversation could continue there was a knock at the door.

"Shit... stay seated. Do. Not. Move. Or He will remember your scent."

(Y/n) froze in her spot, listening to the black haired beauty.

"You never want a vampire to remember your scent."


First chapter is finally up! Now let's enjoy this black haired beauty named Lucifer together.

Credit to Shirashur on DeviantArt

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Credit to Shirashur on DeviantArt

Unspeakable Acts: Haikyuu Vampire and Werewolf AU Where stories live. Discover now