Chp. 4

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Chapter 4, If at frist you don't succeed...

After dinner I start to pick out books for olen. He wants to learn more about science and history. All the boring things honestly. I've been mentally preparing an excuse if someone finds me.

"Zelia. That isn't what your studying," mother sternly states from behind grabbing a book off the top of my pile.

"I was getting these for Wil. he said something on missing notes from one of these," My voice lowered into a mutter.

"I'll have Rosetta bring them to him, I need to talk to you," she grabs the rest of my pile and sets it on a small desk nearby."Let's walk and talk come along" We start to walk slowly out of the library " As you know you are coming of age. You will soon be attending court with me in place of your brother,soon enough you will be getting sutors. Now more than ever your studies are important, you don't want to make a fool of yourself at court, nor do you wish to fail as a suitable wife." The word sharp and jagged,describing my inevitable future.

"A wife?!"

"My dear did you expect that you wouldn't get married?"

"Somewhat," I shrug.An extended pause makes a home in our conversation.

"Look Zelia. The man that visited during dinner was The duke of Haldear, he was offering a marriage between you and his eldest son."

"You can't be serious,"

"Will you ever hold your tongue!" she snapped "Zelia. I understand that this isn't fun for you but, it will take away the stress of finding a husband for you later, Especially with your tendencies. At least give it some thought. I'm giving you the choice, he needs an answer by tomorrow." We had reached the top of the stairs.

"I will think on it," I nod knowing my answer was already no. She nods back in the first glimpse of sincerity I've seen in a while.

I enter my room and begin to pack. I know my mother will tell the duke yes no matter what, disminding my wishes. I start to write down the plan, Leave for market with olen then once out of sight run off the path towards the misty forest, find my father. Surely He'll be able to fix this mess. He will. Hopefully.

"Zelia you're overreacting, you can just say no,"

"You know how she works. Anything to bust out title,"

"But still that is no grounds to run off to god knows where,"He scolds.

"It's funny,You almost sound like your father," Olen glares at me.

"I do not sound like him. I'm just using reason,"

"Don't you want to find the author of the note? Maybe even Vera,"

"Well," he considers. "Alright fine,"

"I knew you'd cave! Come on,"

We set off as usual towards town, we turn off the road and onto the grass lawn. Both trekking through the muddy patches from yesterday's rain.Our boots sank in the wet soil, luckily we weren't prepared. Ruining the lawn was not a part of what I planned but, the tracks would help if we didn't come back. There was a lot of chances we were about to take in that if.

"We've finally reached the edge of the forest,"

"What are you a narrator? I can see that,"

"Hush! You ready to go in or not?" the wind whistles a ghostly scream.

"Of course! I'd love to go into the most definitely not haunted forest," I start to walk up to the entrance. A arch of bending dead and dying trees greets me, perpetually misty and baren.

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