This whole storytime thing

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So do you guys ever just be chilling and remember something random from your childhood?

Like one time I remember when I was in kindergarten, my mom had hired this family therapist counselor person.

She was a nice lady, and we usually spent a lot of time outside. She mainly spent time with me, because she said (these were her exact words)... "You're way more interesting than anyone else I've talked to."

I remember hearing that, and little 4 year old me having an EGO BURST.

I basically acted like a king for weeks after that.

Anyways, this lady usually did things like push me on the swing in our front yard or go for small walks with me.

But I also remember that she made these paper boats with us, and took us to these woods that we lived by, so we could put them in the river that was in the woods.

The first time she did that,  I almost fell in.

We never went to the woods again.

SO yeah, anyways... I decided that writing memories is a good way to get my feelings about them out. (Cuz I'm still salty about that tooth fairy incident, but that's for another story)

So, enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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