Chapter 7 Wanting To Explore

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Mark didn't know what David's reaction, or response would be. But he knew he had to at least tell him. He would find out eventually anyways. Mark's never been good at hiding secrets.

Mark brought David out to the living room, showing him the Kingdom Hearts characters sitting on the couch. He went wide eyed. "M-Mark? H-how??" David asked.

"Game Dimension-" Roxas said, trying to sound helpful.

"He talks?!" David asked. "Of course he talks" Mark said. "Look David-" Mark said, coming in front of his brother. "They're from an alternate Dimension. Apparently everything that is fictional, opens a reality, where that fictional world is real" He explained. Mark wasn't sure of he was making any sense to David. Even if he was, David probably still would be confused.

"An alternate Dimension?" David asked.

Mark nodded. "I know, it seems unreal." He said. "When did you find out about this?" David asked looking at Sora and the rest. "Um, a few days ago?" Mark told him. "Remember when I was gone for a while?"

"Wait- are you saying you where with them??"

Mark nodded. "I kind of got... sucked into a portal, and ended up in their Dimension. And I couldn't leave until I found a portal rim that brought me back"

Mark didn't feel like telling him all the details. Such as him getting a keyblade, and about him in a battle with that dark figure. He's pretty sure David would of went very protective.

Mark looked at David, and saw that he still looked a little dazed. "Don't worry David, I guess you'll get used to it."

"I'm sure you will!" Sora said, smiling. David nodded. "O-ok.." He said.

"Hold up, Mark, uh, how are they here?" David asked. "How are they here? What do you mean?"

"Did you bring them here or?" David asked.

"Oh yeah, I did" Mark said nodding. "Don't worry, they are able to go back, if that's what youare worried about"

Mark figured David was worried about them not being able to get back to where they came from. "Well, I guess I can't bring you to that convention." David said.

Mark sat back next to Sora. "Huh? What convention?"

"Didn't I tell, you a while ago? There's some anime and video game convention at the Mall this evening. But we can go next month, since they're gonna be back in November."

"Ooh! That sounds cool!" Sora said with a smile. "Maybe we all should go" Xion suggested. "Guy's, you know how it is" Hayner started. "The people in this world know us as fictional characters. If we go, everyone will get freaked out"

Roxas nodded. "He's right guys"

Sora agreed, although he really had wanted to go.

"Hold on, David, you said it was a convention for anime and video games right?" Mark asked. David nodded. "Don't some people dress up as thier favorite character at conventions like that?"

"Yeah" David said. "That's usually what goes down with Conventions for stuff like this"

Mark had the biggest smile. "You guy's can go with us!" Mark said. Sora looked really happy. "We can?!"

"Wait, but how? Won't people freak out?" Roxas asked concerned.

Mark shook his head. "People are going to be dressing up as fictional characters. They'll think you guys are people like me from this dimension who's dressing up!"

Roxas nodded. "You know, Mark's got a point"

Hayner nodded.

Josh started to speak up. He was busy playing the video game, and everyone thought he was just ignoring everything. "If people fall for that, they're stupid" He said.

"Huh? Why?" Mark asked. "Look at them dude, if that was a costume, that must be the most expensive make up in the world."

"Hey, I've seen some cosplays that looked exactly like Sora"

"Wait a minute, who's that?" David asked, looking at Josh. "He's my friend from down the road" Mark said. David nodded. "Oh..."

"What, you thought he was from a game?" Mark said chuckling.

"Yeah, but thier make up didn't make them look like a split copy of Sora" Josh said.

Although Mark knew Josh was right about that, he still wanted to show the Kingdom Hearts characters around his world. Or, well, at least the mall. If he was going to show them around his world entirely, that'll take a very long time. "I know Josh, but I really want to show Sora around..." Mark said.

"Sora? What about us?" Hayner asked. "O-oh, and Hayner and the rest too-" Mark said with his face a little red. Sora giggled. Josh sighed. "Well, I mean, I guess it can work out. I mean, what's the worse that can happen?"

Mark came close to Josh, and whispered something. "I mean, you'll be able to talk with Xion a bit more" He whispered, smiling. That made Josh smile a little.

Mark looked over at David. "Hey, David, what time you said it's gonna start?"

"Well, it's been going on for the whole day, but I was going to bring you in he afternoon.

"So we can go now?" Mark asked. "Sure, if you all are ready"


"Wow, you have trams here? It's kind of like the Trams back home in Twilight Town" Roxas said, as he saw the tram, going down the road. They where riding in a bus, that goes from the road Mark lives on, to the road the mall is on. "Yeah, those trams are common here. They're pretty cool huh?"

The bus they where on, wasn't that crowded, there was a few people. And some of them, clearly where heading to the convention as well.

One person, was cosplaying as Deku from MHA.

Mark doesn't know much about the show, as he never really watched it. But he knows a few of the characters.

The person cosplaying as Deku, was just staring at them, probably thinking if the Kingdom Hearts characters where real people in costumes, or if they are litterly from the game.

Roxas leaned in to Mark, and whispered. "See? They're staring at us-" He said. "Rox, it's fine. It'll be alright."

"Guy's look what's that?" Sora said, pointing out the window of the bus. It was a gate, that headed into something, and it said "Disneyland"


"Why is it called Disney, like Disney Castle back home?" Xion asked. "I'll tell you guys later" Mark said.

They where nearly at the mall. Sora had put his arms over Mark, pulling him close to him, making him blush.

Mark smiled at Sora, and kissed his cheek. Then, he noticed the person cosplayed as Deku, was staring at him, but quickly turned around, with their face red, when they noticed Mark saw them.

'Oh great, a shipper' Mark thought to himself.

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