Part 1

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The blunette sipped quietly at his vanilla shake, watching with a blank expression as Kagami sat down across from him in the shop. As usual, the other failed to notice him as he ate. But he would. And so Kuroko sat there quietly, waiting for the others reaction. "..."

Scarfing down another sandwich, Kagami choked and gasped for air as Kuroko materialized in front of him. Fighting to swallow his food, he thumped himself on the chest as he gasped out, "How long have you been there?!" Coughing, he took a sip of his drink, before growling at his partner. "You enjoy doing that, don't you?"

The smaller male made no change in expression as his teammate flipped out upon noticing him, as he and others so often did. He gave no answer to his first question, merely shrugging somewhat in response. And though his face made no change, his lips parted and a blunt reply came from his lips in reply to the second question. "A little."

"Y-you..." Kagami stared at him with narrowed eyes. "I knew it..." He grumbled as he picked up another sandwich. Shoving another in his mouth, he chomped down on it viciously. Man, he loved food. Finishing it off, he paused as he was about to unwrap yet another.

"... You want one? You don't eat all that much." He mused, still eating as he stared at Kuroko and his milkshake. What was so good about milkshakes anyways? They were fine and all, but it didn't compare to real food...

"..." Kuroko pondered the question for a moment, before nodding. "Only half though."

Kagami scoffed, ripping his sandwich in half and passing one side over. Only half...How could he run on so little food? A man needed sustenance dammit! He'd never get strong like this... Speaking of which...

"How about we hit the court for some practice after?" Kagami asked. He only had five subs left, so it wouldn't take more than a few minutes. Of course, that also depended on how fast Kuroko ate... Nevermind the milkshake...

Kuroko's eyes lit up just a little bit despite the rest of his face making no sudden changes at the mention of practice, his lips pressing into a thin line as he took the half of the sandwich he was offered. Practice together? That could be good, though he didn't stand a chance one-on-one. That didn't bother him, though. He liked to see just how strong his light was; to feel his potential.

"I'd like that." Kuroko answered, setting down his milkshake and beginning to eat his half of the sandwich. If they wanted to have time to practice, he should try to eat it quickly... With that thought, Kuroko's brow creased somewhat as he took a fairly large bite out of the sandwich. He just had to concentrate on finishing it quickly.. It wasn't often he got to practice with just Kagami, so he wouldn't pass it up.

Kagami raised a brow at how fervently Kuroko was eating. Was he that eager to practice? Well, that was just fine with Kagami. More than fine in fact. He shoved another sandwich in his mouth, finishing it off in one bite.

"Mfo-" He paused, taking time to chew and swallow. "You done anything yet about your 'new style'?" He shoved the last burger in his mouth. Just plain playing/training with Kuroko was great, but it would be even better if he could help him refine his new style.

Kuroko averted his gaze for a moment, but soon returned to staring at the other male with an unreadable expression. "No." He replied flatly, stuffing the sandwich into his mouth once more. That's why he had to do everything he could. He couldn't keep Kagami- who was working so hard and improving, waiting. Otherwise he'd get left behind. "I haven't had any ideas yet."

"Ah, well, that's okay." He shrugged. "You'll get it eventually." He believed in Kuroko. It might take him a while- the boy could be slow as hell sometimes- but he came through spectacularly when he was needed. "I know you will." Stretching his arms high above his head, he sighed, tray now empty. Food was good. Slumping down in his chair, he gazed at Kuroko, content with a full stomach.

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