Frozen Plain

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(Note: In no way am I claiming the anime as my own. this is simply just a spin off of the FullMetal Alchemist series involving select few of my own original characters. thank you for taking the time to read this!)

"The Freezing Alchemist? really he's here?" Mustang folded his arms across his chest, his bottom lip jutting out slightly in thought as he read the paper set down before him on the desk. "Yes. We have information that he managed to sneak his way into Central. That's why i summoned you Colonel, i need you and your men to scope him and bring him in." Fuhrer Bradley spoke calmly, a slight gentle smirk presented on his face. Mustang straightened his back, saluting the Fuhrer, puffing out his chest a little. "Consider it done, sir." Bradley smiles. "I'm glad your with us in Central for a while Mustang. it's good to know i have people here i can count on." Mustang brings his hand down to his side sharply. "Yes, sir." He turns around to the large double doors but the Fuhrer stops him. raising his hand slightly he smirks. "One more thing. a rising young star and his sidekick is here as well. i'm placing him with you for a while." Mustang raises his eyebrow. "i'm sorry sir but just to make sure but are you referring to-" Bradley chuckles. "Yes, the FullMetal alchemist, Edward Elric and his little friend, Jaylin." 

"Damn it, the Colonel's never gonna let us out of her is he?" Edward gazing forward at the city as the moon shone down on them. Al standing beside him. "We'd already bought our tickets to Liore too, does this mean we're not going?" there was a loud exaggerated sigh from behind them. "i say we just say fuck it and dip out to the next city. also, why the hell are we out here so late anyway?" Edward sighed, pinching the skin between his eyebrows in frustration. "Jaylin if you're here to just complain then you can leave." she raised an eyebrow, slowly folding her arms over themselves. "boy please don't play with me right now. i'm already out here in pajamas and my bags packed so you're not getting rid of me yet." Jaylin rolled her eyes, folding her arms. Ed sighed and waved her off. "yeah yeah. let's just get this over with."

The echo of heavy boots rang out into the night as a cloaked man ran through the alleyways. "there he is!" shouted one military man as the other pointed a gun out in front of himself. "stop or else I'll shoot!" the cloaked man continued running towards them, swinging his arm from within his cloak. his arm covered in metal and spikes. a alchemic symbol began to glow brightly before he outstretched them to touch the walls around them. large spikes of shot out of the ground, striking them military men and knocking them down. with a smirk the man ran past them, turning into the next alleyway. just before he could leave that alleyway two more men jumped out from the next. one pointed his gun at the cloaked man but just before he could shoot he grabbed the military man's rist, pointing it to the sky. one shot rang out. the cloaked man used his alchemy he froze the man. the other stared in shock as he watched his friend fall before the cloaked man grabbed him by the face,  boiling him alive. "Water freezes, water boils. either way you're just as dead." wiping off his face, the man continued down the alleyway in search of his prize. 

"who is this guy anyway?" Jaylin yawned, stretching her arms out. Al walked up next to her. he toke a moment to think before answering. "Brother says that his name was the freezing alchemist or the freezer for short. apparently he's targeting Fuhrer for some reason." Jaylin stared back at the road before sucking her teeth. she pulls out a bottle of water from belt around her waist. "damn. stuck protecting the mutts again.." she mumbled under her breath. Al looked down to her, tilting his head off to the side. "what was that Jay? i'm sorry i didn't hear you." Jaylin waved him off. "nothing Al just talking to myself. anyways where is Ed small ass anyway?"  just as they stopped to look around for the missing boy one gun shots  rang out into the night, alarming them. "the hell?" a cold sweat briefly the side of her face before she ran off towards the sound of the shots. "Jaylin! wait a minute!" Al grabbed her by the hood on her coat before she could get far. Jaylin wiggled out of his grasp. smacking his metal hands away. she stumbled before regaining her balance and sprinting off again before shouting over her shoulder. "it's your brother! i just know it!" they ran off searching every alleyway. "i swear if he dies before this stupid promise i'm going to choke him." the two ran around franticly looking for the older brother a black and red streak runs in front of them. "Ed! the hell have you been?" Ed claps his hands together, slapping them on a wall next to him creating spear. Grabbing hold of it he chucks it in front of him. it barely missing the man in front of him. The freezer steps back, turning around to inspect the spear. "Alchemy.." he looks up. his eyes eyes lock on to the young alchemist. "what a nasty thing to do.." the freezer smirks. "you of all people should know that great deeds require great sacrifices. isn't that what's known as equivalent exchange!?" Ed stalks forward as Jaylin and Al jog up next to him. "Save your breath the laws of alchemy don't justify murder!" Ed moves to clap his hands but Jaylin lunges forward, smacking him on the back of his head. "THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Ed cringes rubbing the back of his head before glaring at her. "CHASING HIM!" he yelled back at her. he rolled his eyes at her before grabbing of the spear he threw earlier and transmuted a baseball bat with a tiny recreation of himself on the thicker end. Isaac steps back slightly. "no transmutation circle." he stammers in awe. Jaylin sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "how about next time you tell us where you're going before running off like that dumbass." she clapped her hands together and rammed them into the ground creating waves of the stone ground beneath them before creating a row of steps. "whatever we'll just talk about this later." Ed nods and runs up the steps and jumps off them, swinging his bat back and swinging forward quickly, aiming at the Isaac's head but he rushes out of the way. Ed lands on ground stumbling a little. "now Al!" Al jumps behind Isaac swiping his arm out to punch him but he ducks out of the way. Ed and Jaylin run up to the two. Ed swings his bat as Alphonse swings his fist out to punch Isaac but dodges the punch, crossing his arms over his body blocking Edward's bat. Jaylin jumps from behind Edward clapping her hands together swinging her hand down to the ground and scooped up chunks of gravel into a ball around her fist and swung at him. Isaac grunts, kicking out his leg knocking her to the ground. he pushing both brothers back jumping up and kicking Al away before back to Ed and placing his hand on his arm. "Ed! watch it!" but it was too late. there was a quick flash around his arm before Ed reeled back in mock pain, his coat ripping in the process. "What!? That's impossible!" Al swings hands down towards Isaac's head but he blocks in time. he grabbed his hands swung Al over him. "NO! I HAD YOU! ANY WATER IN THERE SHOULD HAVE BOILED!" Edward looks up and gave him a sharp glare. "if it's anything to ya." he held his hand up revealing his metal arm to him. "you did ruin my coat."  Isaac stairs back in mild shock. " an automail arm..." Edward stands up,  ripping off his coat. Jaylin dusted herself off and walked over to the brothers and stood beside them, rolling up her left sleeve showing off her rusted automail arm.  "a young gifted alchemist, one who doesn't us transmutation circles, and an automail right arm." he lowers his gaze, glaring at him. " i know you. you are the fullmetal alchemist, Edward Elric." Isaac's gaze falters slightly. "so it's not you." he points at Alphonse and Jaylin sighs. "you literately just described this boy almost perfectly, looked him dead in the eyes and still think it's this guy?" she rolled her eyes and patted Al's shoulder. "this is his brother, Alphonse." Isaac pointed at Ed. "so it's this runt?" Jaylin sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "why.." Edward growled. "OH YEAH COULD A RUNT DO THIS!" he slammed his hands down on the ground, incasing him in stone bars. the man grunted, struggling to keep his eye on the trio. "i heard the stories but still this. the fullmetal alchemist is just some little kid?" Edward growled and slammed his hand on the wall. "DON'T CALL ME LITTLE!!" A large hand shoots up from the ground flinging the man backward as group of armed officers ran up to him, detaining him. Jaylin walks up to Ed before smacking him on the back of his head. "i thought yo stupid ass would know he wasn't talking about your height." Ed slaps her hand away and turns around grumbling as he walked away to the officer. "WELL EVEN IF HE WASN'T HE STILL PISSED ME OFF." Jaylin sucked her teeth following him with Al in tow.  one of the officers walked up to then sticks out his hand towards Al. he smiles. "so your the one we been hearing about huh! the fullmetal alchemist! you're as good as they say! thank you so much for the help!" Al just rubs his head as he looked down at the man. "you're welcome but i i'm not the one you're looking for. i'm his little brother Alphonse." Ed places his torn jacket on ground and puts his hands on it fixing it. he spins around and pats both Al and Jaylin on their backs. "Alright guys let's go! we got a train to catch!" the trio walked past the group of officers walking Isaac away in handcuffs. they talked amongst themselves as Jaylin pulled her water bottle raising it to her lips. Isaac eyes her from the corner of his eye as they walked past. he smirked then smacked her arm with his elbow knocking it onto the ground. "hey!" the officers turn to correct him but he falls over slipping off the glove on his hand and landing on the spilled water creating an explosion of steam taking out the officers around him and blinding the trio. Ed coughs a few times before looking up as the steam cleared. "steam?" Al gasps pointing out in front of them. "Brother he's gone!" Jaylin groans, kicking her water bottle into the wall. "and its my fault. dammit! Armstrong's gonna tear me a fucking new one. i'm never gonna hear the end of it." Al patted her shoulder. "it's not your fault Jaylin. you didn't know that would've happed."  Ed coughs, fanning around his head clearing out the steam. "dammit now he's really pissed me off!" Jaylin bends down, picking up the broken cuffs, inspecting them. "damn." she sucks her teeth and tossed the cuffs on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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