ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖

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The Manananggal was not too pleased with what she was hearing, if the hunters were already onto her then she had to take precautions.

"Have you made any progress?" said a familiar voice, the Manananggal jumped and turned around only to come face to face with the demon Meg who had been inside of an innocent civilian.

"Oh Meg, it's good to see you," says the Manananggal. "What brings you here?"

"Let me ask this again, what is your progress?" Meg questioned.

"We've been watching the hunters since they arrived, I've had a few midnight snacks but that was only to draw them closer to you," said the creature. "That way you can do what you see fit,"

"And yet, here I am still without either Dean or Shela," Meg spoke. "I suggest you actually do something and attack them,"

"They suspect me Meg, what else do you want me to do?" Asked the Manananggal.

"Go out there and attack them! Don't you hunt couples too?"

"Yes," says the creature trying to keep her cool.

"Then go after them!" Meg exclaimed "before I kill you myself, meet me back at the teachers camp when your done,"

"Okay! Okay!" Without another word the creature walked away and went to hide the lower half of her body at the teachers camp, she stood in a shadowy area of the abandoned building and began to transform. It was a painful experience as it had been a little while since she had transformed. Bat wings sprouted from her back as she cried out in pain until the wings had fully come out. She pushed herself off the ground as she separated her upper body from her lower body eventually she had fully transformed and flew after Dean and Shela who had just gotten off the rock. As the two were getting ready to leave, they suddenly heard a loud screech and looked at each other with worry.

"Um, Dean, You heard that too right?" Shela asked.

"Yeah," says Dean as they looked up to see the creature flying above them. "Um Shela, didn't your uncle say that the manananggal hunted couples?"

"Yes," Shela said as they looked at each other.

"Ah shit," says Dean. "Um we don't have any weapons, recommendations?"

"Yeah," says Shela. "RUN!" Shela and Dean quickly turned and started to run, they had to run through the forest as the creature swooped down nearly knocking Dean off his feet thankfully, Dean had ducked out of the way and started to run faster; he grabbed Shela's hand and ran with her.

"We need to find a place to hide until she's gone!" Dean exclaimed. "We can't hide in the house! Unless your family has salt,"

"That's it!" Shela said, as she let go of Dean. "Follow me!" Shela turned a sharp corner until she found her way to her grandfather's weapon shed. She pulled the shed door open and pulled Dean into it making sure to lock the door and start lining it with salt as well as the windows. It had been dark so the Manananggal wouldn't be able to spot them and with the salt in the way it would keep her from trying to get in and drink them dry. Shela held onto Dean for protection as the creature flew around the shed.

"Tell me you got a follow up plan," Dean questioned.

"We hide in here until sunrise," Shela said.

"Great, remind me to make sure to pack something important when we go on trips like this again," says Dean.

"Dean sweetheart, shut up!" Shela yelled as the two fell silent. Sneaking back to Jyn's house in the dark was a challenge but Sam and Kristina managed to find it again. Ironically when they got there, they saw Jyn standing outside watching the waves crash on the beach below her. She had changed a lot as all her old lady features disappeared leaving a young woman covered in tattoos.

"I knew something was up with her, she was making the Nuckelavee attack people," Sam whispered as he watched from his hiding spot.

"We have to do something, she is going to kill someone with that thing," Kristina commented she wasn't as scared anymore because all her fear had been trampled by the anger of being tricked. "We can't take her out unless we know what she is, we should split up," Kristina suggested she knew Sam wouldn't like that plan because ever since the incident with Evan he had been crazy overprotective.

"No, I don't want you to face her alone, you could get hurt." Sam responded the last thing he wanted was to see another loved one walk to their death while he couldn't do anything.

"Sam I know you're trying to protect me and I love you for it, but you have to let me handle this." Kristina said to him, she wasn't stupid and knew why he was feeling like this, she could feel his worry from a mile away. He was worried that she would end up just like Jessica, but there wasn't time for dwelling on that now, this was war and she wasn't going to sit on the sidelines while it happened.

"But what if..." she cut him off before he could finish.

"What if something goes wrong and I end up dead," she finished for him. He looked up at her in silent surprise. "Sam did you really think you were the only terrible liar in this relationship? I know you're scared but you can't let your fear control you." She told him and he sighed in defeat at her words, there was no way he was going to win this battle. For a while neither of them said anything, only talking with their eyes until Sam finally broke the silence.

"Okay just promise me you will be careful," Sam said, realizing that he couldn't hold her back from doing the right thing. She responded to him by giving him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"I promise," she said before walking away leaving him to investigate further by himself. Sam didn't have any weapons with him but that didn't mean he couldn't fight, so he slowly made his way over to Jyn however she disappeared from his view and reappeared behind him.

"Hi Sam did you lose something?" She mocked giving him a sinister smile, now that he got a good look at her, he knew what she was. A Jinn.

"There is no Nuckelavee, is there?" Sam asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course there isn't, it was all an illusion, something like that doesn't exist," Jyn said to him and blue flames sparked in her hands. "I used it to trick people into making wishes to me which caused them to disappear." Jyn explained and Sam was disgusted by her actions.

"You're sick," Sam declared and she walked around him in a circle while taunting him for his words.

"That's not a very nice thing to say Sam, afterall I am the being that can give you what you most desire," she said to him.

"What could you possibly give me?" Sam angrily asked and so wished he had silver with him to shut her up.

"A normal life, one with no ghosts or creatures, it's just you and your loved ones. Best of all you get to marry your girl, just like you want." 

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