Carmivy prompts

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A/N: hi guys!! Sorry I haven't updated this in like a month :( I was having some major writers block, plus my grandmother passed away in February due to Covid so I hope you guys can understand why I haven't been able to update. Here are some short CarmIvy Drabbles/scenarios to make up for it :P

1. They huddled by the fireplace at night after making snow angels in the fresh snow.

2). Carmen goes to sit with Ivy after a really long caper where she had to stay up all night. Even though she does her best to stay awake, she ends up falling asleep while cuddling with Ivy. Carmen is embarrassed (and half asleep) when they wake up, but Ivy thinks its cute.

3). Ivy catches a cold so Carmen (attempts to) make her breakfast in bed and accidentally sets off the fire alarm.

4). Ivy teaches Carmen how to kiss in preparation for a date she has, and Carmen ends up kissing Ivy really quick and nervously asks "Like this?" and leaves Ivy silent and flustered for a moment. Carmen likes to be extra prepared so she and Ivy practice even more things.

5). Carmen and Ivy go to a drive-thru fast food place. When they get home, it is discovered that the staff did not prepare Carmen's order properly. Despite Carmen insisting she doesn't mind, Ivy drives back to the fast food place to demand a new meal be made for her girlfriend.

6). Carmen and Ivy spend the night on the hill stargazing.

7). Ivy and Carmen were separated for several years as they got busy with ACME and getting to know her mother again. Carmen finally reappears in Ivy's life, apologizing for leaving so abruptly, leading to both breaking down in tears and having a heart felt reunion.

8). Carmen has amnesia and Ivy is taking care of her. Ivy tries her best to help Carmen remember her whole life.

9). Carmen and Ivy are shopping and Carmen is super excited about it while Ivy functions merely as the girlfriend shopping cart and lugs around her bags.

11). Ivy and Carmen are holding each other after sex. Ivy tells Carmen she doesnt like her new shampoo leading to a playful argument.

12). Team red are on a road trip and Carmen and Ivy fall asleep on each other's shoulder/head in the backseat while Zack and Shadowsan talk about ninja stuff.

13). After Carmen gets injured in Stockholm and is taken to the hospital, Ivy realizes she doesn't know how to live without Carmen and confesses about her feelings to Zack.

14). For their anniversary, Carmen buys a box of chocolates and keeps them in the Pantry. Ivy grts hungry and eats them in the middle of the night, and tries her hardest to keep it a secret.

15). Carmen and Ivy are sleeping together for the first time. Ivy wakes up first and contemplates waking up Carmen with a kiss. She leans in to hesitate only centimeters away out of embarrassment. Carmen opens her eyes and says "Well if you won't do it, I will."

16). Carmen is trying to research for a caper but Ivy is using her lap as a pillow.

17). Carmen wants to go get a morning workout in but Ivy won't let her get out of bed by cuddling.

18). While on a caper, Carmen surprises Ivy by grabbing her hand. She says its so they don't lose each other in a crowd. Ivy is flustered but goes along with it. Once they get out of the crowd Carmen does not let go of her hand.

19). Carmen and Ivy are fighting VILE and Ivy gets badky injured, going unconcious. Carmen realizes how she feels about Ivy and begins crying over her body, saying "You need to wake up! I can't do this without you!"

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