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                Yerin got up and released her tied hands.

"What the! How-" Jeongmin was shocked. She took out a sharp metal she had picked nearby. "You never know what I learnt when I was alone" she smirked and helped to untie Jeongmin. He grabbed her wrist. "Aigo this little miss" he pulled out his handkerchief and tied it to her wrist that covered with cuts from the steel. "Next time don't hurt yourself. Get it?"

"Nae, oppa" she smiled. She smiled as the image of Suga came into her mind. He remembered how he helped tied his bandana to her head when they first played the basketball together for the first time. Both Jeongmin and Yerin helped the others to release themselves. "Thank you, Yerin" Youngjae smiled. "You're welcome" she nodded and helped him to stand.

Jeongmin stood near the door and he heard it. The phone conversation.

"Yerin" he whispered and waved her over.

"Burn them?" One of the men who tortured them replied the conversation from the phone. He had turned on the loud speaker.

"Burn?!" she whispered. "Let's find an exit now" she already ran to her other cousins and informed them. They started to move to a corner that seems to exit the run-down factory.

Jeongmin heard a set of footstep towards the metal door. He gasped and backed. The door was locked from the outside with chains.

"Jeongmin oppa" Yerin called and he snapped his attention from the door. He joined them and glance back. *I've heard that voice before. Their leader's voice that called them. But where did I heard it?*

* * *

Yerin glanced back at the factory as they ran up the hill behind the factory. She looked at her other cousins who were struggling to climb up the hill with their injured being. *Why is this happening to us?*

* * *

Yerin stood on the hill and stared at the burning factory.

"I don't think I see anyone exit the factory" Youngjae stood beside her. "Me too" she agreed. "But all of us are safe, right?" she glanced at each face as they nodded. "For now, I think it's way safer for us to stay quiet about this matter. I don't want this kidnapping case to be mentioned in the news. You know what will happen when our company image is stained, right?"

"Uhuh" Youngjae nodded. "But how can we found the culprit if we don't mention about this?"

"We can just look for them on our own quietly without anyone's knowledge mainly the media. It will total disaster if they have this news. No matter what happen, they must not know about this case" "I agree" Youngjae paused and glanced at her with a grin. "See? You talk like a president yourself"

"Oh" Yerin realized she was talking to the HC's group president. "I'm so sorry, Youngjae-ssi" she bowed.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. Besides, no need to be too formal. We're family after all" Youngjae smiled and jerked his head to the rest of her cousins. Yerin met their eyes and they smiled back. Her eyes went teary. "It's so good to have my family back"

"So Yerin" Youngjae called. "You want the company?"

"What?!" her eyes widen in surprise.

"It supposed to be yours after all. I'm just filling the position until we found you. And now we have" "No. Youngjae-ssi, I see you're the best heir to the position. With everything you had done for the company, I see you really fond of the company and our family business" "But grandfather wanted you to have it" "But I don't want it, Youngjae-ssi. I had this kind of thought before this. If I have the company, I don't think I can manage my life well. Believe me"

"Youngjae-ah" Jeongmin came and slung his arm to his neck. He gave him a smile. "I know Yerin well. If she said she doesn't want it, forever she doesn't want it. That's her. And she gave me tones of excuses when I said she should have the company back. It seems that she loves her current life"

Youngjae turned to Yerin. She nodded as Jeongmin had punched the right button.

"If that how it is, I can't force you, right?" Youngjae smirked. "But if you need anything, you know who to look for. Remember. You have your family"

"Nae" she smiled. "I'll make sure that my brother and I can help you if we can"

"Your brother?" Youngjae paused. "Oh right! You have one. I almost forgot"

"I only found him not long ago. He must be worried of me right now" her shoulder dropped. "I'll make sure he's the first person I look for after we get out from here"

"But isn't it weird?" Jeongmin voiced. Youngjae and Yerin glanced at each other then to Jeongmin. "I don't mean to be rude but I'm just curious. Why don't grandfather hand down the company to your brother?" he asked Yerin. "Because Namjoon is his first grandson. Shouldn't he believe more in his grandson? Because that's what people usually do"

"You're right" she nodded and tilted her head. "I never thought of that"

"He has his own reason that he never reveals to anyone, I guess" Youngjae shrugged. He glanced back and saw his sister. "Excuse me" he left them for his sister.

"Yerin" Jeongmin called her. "I have something to tell you"

"Yes?" she has her attention on him. "We heard their conversation on the phone, right?" "Uhuh" "Don't you think you recognise the voice at the other line?" "No. I'm not sure. Why? You think you've heard it before this?" "Yes. I thought maybe you've heard it too"

* * *

Jin stopped the truck at the yard in front of the factory before the rest of police car stopped near them. Everyone had their eyes on the factory that was on fire. RapMon flopped on his knees. His lips trembled as he whispered Yerin's name.

"My sister is inside" tears streamed down his cheeks. "Namjoon" Jin knelt beside him and embraced him. "She's inside" RapMon whispered and ignored Jin.

"YERIN!" V lunged towards the burning factory. "Yah Kim Taehyung!" Jimin and Jungkook held him, preventing him from running into the fire. "Yerin" V moaned in grief and fell on his knees as his legs were trembling madly. His hands formed fists.

* * *

Yerin watched as the factory continued to burn along with her other cousins. Jeongmin approached her. *I'm serious. That voice sounds familiar* he heaved a sigh. *If only I can figure out who's voice is that. That low and deep voice*

"Guys, let's get out from here. If you don't want this case to spread throughout the media, we better get out from here fast" Youngjae suggested. She watched as her cousins started to move. "He's right. Let's go" Yerin called Jeongmin as she started to move. "Wait" Jeongmin tugged her arm. "That one friend at the café" The image of RapMon smiling came into his mind. "Namjoon" he whispered.

"What?" she whispered, disbelief. "Yes, of course. That's it!" Jeongmin snapped his finger. "It's him! Yerin, it's him! I recognise the voice! I'm serious"

"No. It's impossible" she stuttered. "It can't be him" she ran her eyes to the factory. "He knew I'm in there, right? He knew you're in there too. His cousin. No way he can do such things"

"I don't want to believe it to. That's why I'll investigate about it first. And I hope it's not him who did this" "So you're suspecting Namjoon oppa? Your own cousin?" Yerin eyed Jeongmin. "I had to, Yerin. Because I believe that voice belongs to him"

"I hope you're wrong, oppa" her shoulder dropped and she left him to join the others. 

Walking With You (The Second Ending) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now