505 (arctic monkeys) method

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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ salut! okay my loves, if you're an arctic monkeys lover like me, you will ADORE this method :) 

disclaimer: this method was not created by me! i found it on the app, amino. pls comment the original creator if you know who it is, thank you <3 

1. lay down in a comfortable position, close your eyes. 

2.  have headphones in, & play the song 505, by the arctic monkeys.

3. pretend that you're in a car, on the road, being driven to your dr. (do this while listening to 505)

4. when the lyrics say, 'i'm going back to 505' pretend that you're on a highway, & there's a sign that says 'desired reality, 10 miles away!' when you 'see' this sign, say to yourself, 'that's a long time, but it is worth it.' 

when the lyrics say, 'if it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive' and then 'in my imagination' imagine that you've already been to your dr but you're coming for a surprise visit! 

when the lyrics say, 'stop and wait a sec' pretend that you arrived and your s/o from your dr is there and they are crying tears of joy to see you!

when the lyrics say, 'hands around my neck' you will imagine that you are hugging this person from your dr and they're hugging you back.

now visualize memories of you spending time with them, and wait for the lyric 'in my imagination' to reoccur in the song. when it does, pretend that you guys are sleeping in the same bed and cuddling. 

when it says, 'i crumble completely when you cry' pretend that you gave your s/o a kissey.

then when it says 'too soon' you stop kissing for a breather and then you're in shock. you're laughing, you feel happy, safe, warm, etc.

5. once the song ends say some affirmations such as, 'i have shifted,' 'i am powerful,' 'shifting is easy,' etc. 

6. eventually you might smell something from your dr, or hear something. when you feel ready, open your eyes, and you should be in your dr!

alrighty bestays, as always, let me know if you've got any questions!

happy shifting,


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