Author: Enjoy_Little_Moments
Status: On Hold
Chapters: 28
Sequel: No.
Book Description:
He's shunned aside. Taunted. Teased. Hurt. Ignored.
And it's killing him. Slowly. One by one, a piece of himself slithers silently into the fire roaring within him, the black extending its long fingers with increasing glee.
He believes that everyone hates him. Despises his very presence.
He hates himself too. He hates being the person he is. He hates begin so weak. So vulnerable.
It was his bad luck to be thrown into the world of misery.
But then again that was fate. And fate wasn't always on our sides. There were times when it didn't exactly like us.
But for Taehyung it was different.
Fate hated him.
Extra Information: Self Harm, Abuse, Violence, Sort of depression
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