Chapter 7

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+18 CONTENT (No, it's not a sexual chapter)


Later that day,

"Thanks for coming! Come visit us whenever!" Lylia said as she wave goodbye to the sweetheart who is now boarding the van along with Twice. The sweetheart look at the dead man's mother one last time, waving her goodbyes.

"Are you looking for something or someone, Dahyun?" the clingey girl ask making the church girl look at her. "I can't summon Eve for some reason, I wonder if she keeps playing with the other familiars in the Aether." she answered making the squirrel chuckle "I guess she's having fun." The van's door has been closed making the vehicle's engine cough as it started to levitate then flew back to the academy.

Y/n was weirded out by the crow that she'd seen a while ago, like it's stalking her, she shake the thought off making her rest her head at the window looking at the view of the afternoon horizon.

Back in the Griffin Village, the married couple are cleaning up, as Caesar's mom asked him to take the box she was holding to the dumpster beside their house. After he take the trash to the dumpster, he heard his parents scream that was quickly cut off and was replaced by gurgling. "Mom, Dad!?" Caesar rushed back behind their house, there he saw the two drowned to their own blood, their eyes weren't in their usual spot, more like it was pulled out, a thick slice can be seen on their neck.

Caesar felt his knees became weak, making him fall and rush towards them, he observed more to what happened to their corpses. Their abdomen has many holes, he analyze it more making him know they were stab by something sharp and was pulled after milliseconds. But by what? He thought as he obverse more-

Deep and quiet laughter was heard behind him making his instincts take control as an impulse of fight or flight was sent to his brain, he landed few meters away from his original position as he gives himself a chance to look who it was. His eyes went wide open by the figure.

"Y-You..." he speak to the figure with difficulties from uneven breathings. "You dodge it well, let's take you to your limits." Highmore raised his hand making the married couple's bones of limbs and ribcage fly out as they turned sharp like blades towards Caesar, he put both of his hands and made a barrier.

He was pushed back by the impact of sharp blades of bones barely penetrating from his barrier. "Osteokinesis" is the only word he thought. The damage from his barrier sent a shock of pain to somewhere in his brain making him grunt, he felt Highmore was pushing the bone blades deeper. The longer the situation gets, the more pain he's receiving, he needs to act, fast!

He form a fist to his left hand making it glow a shade of voilet, he then punch his barrier making all the bones straight up to the old man. Highmore dodge it with grace, he then pointed at the bones and was now circling around him.

"Dance monkey! Dance!" Highmore said with a mocking and playful tone, the man laugh making him grit his teeth. "Jokes aside, your parents taught you well..." the bones immediately made throne-like chair were the man was sitting. He stood up "...But they didn't teach you everything." the bones pointed at Caesar as it shoot towards him in a blinding speed. "Damn you..." Caesar said in his mind. The sound of flesh being torn and bones breaking was the only last thing he heard after feeling a sharp pain that ended quickly as he now lay lifelessly.

Highmore stood still, satisfied to the sight his seeing, and the screams he had heard. He looked up to his crow flying around the land, he used his magic he took from an eagle he had killed days ago, he saw a mob of griffin villagers coming for him with their might and magics. A deep chuckle escaped from his mouth, "Your magics are getting weaker day by day." the mob arrived and saw him standing, outnumbered. The angry mob of villagers charge to him, not even knowing who he is.

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