Part 2

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The sky was painted a soft orange hue as the first rays of the day fell upon the two restlessly sleeping souls. A sense of serenity was present physically, mentally not as much.

The elder one's eyes flickered open as the warmth of the sun fell upon him, while the younger one clutched onto his elder brother tighter with a disturbed face.

It was a given fact that none of them could sleep peacefully that night and all - unlike normal - were up early. None were left alone that night, for they were scared some nightmare might haunt them. 

Finding that their two soldiers of the previous day were missing, the team was sent into a frenzy. They knew the two of them well enough that they'd keep to themselves blaming themselves for getting them so close yet so far. 

Hence, the Indian Cricket Team was currently running around the hotel playing 'treasure hunt' when Virat and Rohit stumbled onto the terrace finding their 'treasure'.

In any other normal circumstances, the duo would have left no chance to snap a picture of the Ravindra Jadeja letting himself loose and snuggling up to someone. But today was nowhere near normal. 

They were about to say something when MS promptly shushed them not wanting to disturb the sleep of the one in his arms. 

Again in normal circumstances, Virat would've whined about partiality and not able to snuggle with Mahi Bhai. And Rohit would've rolled his eyes at him told him to shut up though feeling the same, but right now they knew that their friend - scrap that their brother needed that support. 

Leaving MS and Jaddu to themselves, Rohit and Virat left to inform the rest of the team about their whereabouts, but not before asking MS to come down and eat aswell making him smile in return. 

"No matter how hurt they are, they'll never stop caring," he thought fondly.

Unwillingly, MS gently tapped on Jaddu's arm causing him to stir in his sleep before waking up fully. As soon as the latter registered where he was he jerked back quickly, unable to look into his elder brother's eyes.

"Jaddu, come downstairs and eat. You can't skip meals," MS said in his usual authority filled yet gentle voice. 

"What if I don't want to eat?" Jadeja questioned back still not looking into Mahi Bhai's eyes. 

"Well, you're going to have to. Or else I'm going to have to feed you like I feed Ziva," MS said in a slight attempt to change the atmosphere. Jad did laugh, only scaring MS more.

It was not a typical hysterical Jaddu like laugh- rather it was plain. A more sarcastic laugh almost and that scared MS deeply.

"Alright, I don't want anyone to see me being fed. I'll come, " Jaddu spoke trying to be his normal over hyper self, but this was MS Dhoni - his Mahi Bhai who could see right through his every façade.

The pair went downstairs to be greeted with a few plain smiles and a couple of nods. The breakfast was done in complete silence, with nobody eating much just as they had all expected. 

Everyone had retired back to their rooms to pack for the return flight back, when MS had remembered that Jaddu had caught a fever. 

Leaving everything behind, he quickly rushed to Jaddu's room. 

"Mahi Bhai!" Jadeja exclaimed upon seeing Mahi Bhai all worked up. "You need anything?" 

"Yes, I do need something. I need you to lie down on that bed and take some rest," MS spoke. 

"But Mahi Bhai I'm completing fine, I don't need rest. I'd rather pack, atleast that will keep me distracted," Jadeja said mumbling the last part but MS heard anyways.

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